France Vacation Calculation

Note: This integration is an extension that is developed outside the normal release schedule to meet specific client needs. To request one of these extensions, you must submit a Salesforce Service Request to ADP. After the extension is delivered to your tenant, you can edit it accordingly.

The France Vacation Calculation integration automates vacation calculations for customers in France while ensuring compliance with local regulations.

This integration handles functionalities, such as:

  • Monthly grant calculation, in days

  • Division between principle and additional vacation days

  • Grant distribution across multiple accruals

  • Recognition of legal work weeks, such as Jours Ouvrés and Jours Ouvrables

  • Prorates grants for

    • new hires and terminated employees based on working days during the hire or termination month

    • Accrual Policy changes based on working days during the month in which changes occur

  • Recalculation and adjustment of vacation grants to accommodate sick leave, when necessary

  • Rounds acquired vacation days at year-end

The integration relies on basic accrual configuration that is configured in the application to manage grant calculations. We provide an SDM zip file with this basic setup, including accrual codes, accrual balance cascade, accrual balance cascade groups, accrual policies, and accrual profiles, as part of the iPack delivery.

Vacation entitlement

All employees in France are entitled to the same number of vacation days, based on a 5-week period. The entitlement, known as Conges Payes (CP), uniformly grants vacation to employees, regardless of full or part-time employment status, working hours, or the number of days the employee works each week.

Organizations choose between two models that define the work week; this is often identified in the collective bargaining agreement.

  • Model 1 — Jours Ouvrés

    • Jours Ouvrés refers to the days when the company conducts business.

    • This model assumes a 5-day work week that ranges from Monday to Friday.

    • Employees receive five 5-day weeks of vacation, which result in an annual total of 25 vacation days.

  • Model 2 — Jours Ouvrables

    • Jours Ouvrables refers to the days when the company could conduct business.

    • This model assumes a 6-day work week that ranges from Monday to Saturday, even though the company conducts business only from Monday to Friday.

    • Employees receive five 6-day weeks of vacation, which result in an annual total of 30 vacation days.

How is vacation managed?

In France, the vacation year runs from June 1 to May 31; however, some exceptions allow use of the calendar year to accommodate collective agreements.

Employees must first earn their vacation through three distinct accrual balances. A cascading policy governs the order in which accruals are used.

  • Accrual 1 – Accruing Vacation Balance (CP en Cours d’Acquisition)

    • Accrual 1 represents the vacation days that the employee is currently earning.

    • In the past, these days were not available until the following year. However, due to recent legislative change, earned days can now be used within the same vacation year.

    • At the end of the year, the balance rolls over into the vested accrual.

  • Accrual 2 – Vested Vacation Balance (CP Acquis)

    • Accrual 2 represents vested vacation days earned in the previous year.

    • These days are available for use.

    • Any remaining balance at the end of the vacation year rolls over into the carryover accrual.

  • Accrual 3 – Carried Over Vacation Balance (CP Reliquat)

    • Accrual 3 represents unused vested vacation days.

    • The carryover is not limited.

Principal and additional vacation

All employees, regardless of the model they follow, are entitled to five weeks of vacation. The fifth week's treatment differs in that it is the only entitlement that can legally be adjusted when the employee takes sick leave.

Three main accruals make up the total vacation (CP).

  • Accrual main, otherwise known as CP Principaux:

    • Represents four weeks of paid principal vacation (20 or 24 days)

    • Split between two accruals — Accruing and Vested

    • Cannot be adjusted when the employee is sick

  • Accrual fifth week, otherwise known as CP 5e Semaine:

    • Represents the additional fifth week of paid vacation (5 or 6 days)

    • Split between two accruals — Accruing and Vested

    • Can be adjusted when the employee is sick

  • Carried over, otherwise known as CP Reliquat:

    • Represents unused vacation that carries over from the previous year.

Monthly grant calculation

Monthly grant calculations for each model are described as follows:

  • Model 1 -- Jours Ouvrés

    • The vacation entitlement, which provides 25 total days each year, is granted at the end of each month. The average monthly grant equates to 2.08 days.

    • The grant designates 80% to CP Principaux (4 weeks of principal vacation) and 20% to CP 5e Semaine (fifth week of additional vacation).

    • Each month, CP Principaux receives 1.67 days and CP 5e Semaine receives 0.41 days.

  • Model 2 -- Jours Ouvrables

    • The extension grants exact amounts; no rounding applies during the accruing period.

    • The vacation entitlement, which provides 30 total days each year, is granted at the end of each month. The average monthly grant equates to 2.5 days.

    • The grant designates 80% to CP Principaux (4 weeks of principal vacation) and 20% to CP 5e Semaine (fifth week of additional vacation).

    • Each month, CP Principaux receives 2.0 days and CP 5e Semaine receives 0.5 days.

Prorated grant calculation for new hires

Employees who are hired mid-year do not receive the full 2.08- or 2.5-day entitlement during their first month of employment. Their grant must be prorated based on potential working days and must align with the model to which the hiring organization adheres. This extension calculates the prorated grant without rounding and then inserts the result during the accrual period.

Examples of each model for employees who begin employment on March 14, 2024 are described below:

  • Model 1 -- Jours Ouvrés (5-day work week, Monday to Friday)

    • March 2024 consists of 21 potential working days.

    • A start date of March 14, 2024 leaves 12 potential working days in the month.

    • Prorated grant: (12 / 21) * 2.08 = 1.19 days

    • The 80/20 split results in 0.96 days of CP Principaux and 0.23 days of CP 5e Semaine.

  • Model 2 -- Jours Ouvrables (6-day work week, Monday to Saturday)

    • March 2024 consists of 26 potential working days.

    • A start date of March 14, 2024 leaves 15 potential working days in the month.

    • Prorated grant: (15 / 26) * 2.5 = 1.44 days

    • The 80/20 split results in 1.15 days of CP Principaux and 0.29 days of CP 5e Semaine.

Vacation grant adjustment to accommodate sick leave

Adjustments to accrued vacation days can be made when an employee takes sick leave. These adjustments apply only to the fifth week of vacation but not to the principal four weeks.

  • The four weeks of principal vacation are an essential employee right; this vacation is protected and cannot be adjusted.

  • The fifth week of vacation is considered as an additional entitlement; it can be adjusted for sick leave because it is less strictly protected.

Adjustments are based on the ratio of absence days to total working days in the month.

For example, in an organization that adheres to Jours Ouvrés (5-day work week, Monday to Friday).

  • March 2024 consists of 21 potential working days.

  • The employee earns 1.67 days CP Principaux and 0.41 days CP 5e Semaine.

  • The employee takes 5 sick leave days during the month.

  • The adjusted CP 5e Semaine grant = (16/21) * 0.41 = 0.31 days

  • The CP Principaux grant of 1.67 days remains because it is protected.

Under certain collective agreements, adjustments to the fifth week of vacation as a result of sick leave do not occur immediately. Instead, the adjustment occurs when specific conditions are met, such as:

  • the employee must be sick for a minimum of 90 days within the vacation year.

  • the employee must be sick for a minimum of 90 days within a rolling 12-month period prior to the sickness start date.

  • the employee receives sick day credits during the vacation year which allows the employee to be absent for up to the number of days received before impacting the additional monthly vacation grant.


This integration provides optional support for only the first condition.

Rounding logic

Although not applied during the accruing period, rounding must occur on year-end principal and additional vacation balances before transfer to the vested balance.

After the extension makes the necessary rounding adjustments, balance cascade or accrual carryover core functionality handles the move from vested (CP en Cours d’Acquisition) to acquired (CP Acquis).

The rounding logic that the extension applies is outlined below. Refer to the table for a detailed example.

  1. The ending balances associated with CP Principaux (1) and CP 5e Semaine (2) are summarized to obtain a total (3).

  2. The total amount is rounded up to the next full decimal to obtain the rounded total (4).

  3. The extension calculates the ratios of CP Principaux (1) and CP 5e Semaine (2) against the Total (3) to obtain CP Principaux Ratio (5) and CP 5e Semaine Ratio (6).

  4. The CP Principaux Ratio (5) and CP 5e Semaine Ratio (6) are applied to the C (4), resulting in CP Principaux Ratio Result (7) and CP 5e Semaine Ratio Result (8).

  5. CP Principaux Ratio Result (7) and CP 5e Semaine Ratio Result (8) are then rounded to the nearest half decimal place, producing Rounded CP Principaux Acquis (9) and Rounded CP 5e Semaine Acquis (10).

    Rounding logic example
        Employee 1 Employee 2 Employee 3 Employee 4
    1 CP Principaux 19.79 19.79 15.01 12.01
    2 CP 5e Semaine 4.92 3.15 0.87 1.02
    3 Total 24.71 22.94 15.88 13.03
    4 Rounded Total 25 23 16 14
    5 CP Principaux Ratio 0.80 0.862 0.945 0.921
    6 CP 5e Semaine Ratio 0.199 0.137 0.054 0.078
    7 CP Principaux Ratio Result 20.00 19.826 15.12 12.894
    8 CP 5e Semaine Ratio Result 4.975 3.151 0.864 1.092
    9 Rounded CP Principaux Acquis 20 20 15 13
    10 Rounded CP 5e Semaine Acquis 5 3 1 1

Timecard visualization

Since accrual transactions are not easily detected, this integration inserts a placeholder paycode with a zero amount in the Timecard when an accrual action occurs. It then adds a comment with notes to the placeholder paycode that serve as a rule analysis to describe accrual actions.


You must create placeholder paycodes for exclusive use by the extension. The extension logic relies on them for tracking grants given to the employee.

We recommend that you configure the placeholder paycodes as visible in the Timecard because it helps users track when a grant is issued or when a balance is adjusted, such as for sickness corrections.