Employment Terms
Employment terms are used to group employees who share a number of pay policies, including contract definition, pay rule, accrual profile, cascading profile, holiday profile, time-off rule, and pay code values profile. The group can also use the same work hours definition, pay codes, and minimum wage.
A contract schedule is a schedule that is associated with an employment term. An employee using that employment term has been contracted to work the amount of hours in the contract schedule.
Employment terms are applied differently depending on whether you are making a paycode edit in the employee's timecard or schedule.
- Making a paycode edit in the employee’s timecard with a full contract amount:
- If the employment term is a contract group only, the paycode edit is the amount of the contract shift.
- If the employment term is not a contract group only and does not have a work hours definition, the paycode edit is zero (0).
- If the employment term has a work hours definition that retrieves the hours from the contract, the paycode edit is the amount of the contract shift
- If the employment term has a work hours definition that specifies a fixed amount, the paycode edit is zero (0).
- Making a paycode edit in the employee’s schedule with a full contract amount always returns the amount of the contract shift.

Before you can create employment terms:
- You must have access to create employment terms.
- From the Main Menu, select Administration > Application Setup > Access Profiles > Function Access Profiles.
- Select Allowed for Manager - System Configuration > Setup > Employment Terms Setup .
- Click Save & Return .
- The following must be configured:

- From the Main Menu, select Administration > Application Setup > Employment Terms > Employment Terms.
- Click New or select an employment term from the list and click Duplicate or Edit.
- Enter or change the name.
- Select Allow Schedule Inheritance to enable schedule group-level edits for all group members. Schedule inheritance enables schedule group-level edits for all members of a group. Group edits include changes to shifts, pay codes, and accrual edits.
- In Process Type, select either:
- Enforce End Date — When the employment terms assignment ends, processing reverts to the direct assignment for the employee that starts on the day after the end date. The Work Hours Definition is no longer active in the employee’s assignment.
- Allow to Process Beyond End Date — When the employment terms assignment ends, the end date is ignored and processing continues to use the employment terms until a new set of employment terms is assigned. The Work Hours Definition continues to process past the end date of the employment terms assignment, until a new set of employment terms is assigned.
- Select the Start Date and End Date.
- In Version Effective Dates, either:
- Select the existing version and date range from Version Effective Dates.
- Select Create New Version Effective. Select the Start Date and End Date.
- To edit a version, select the version and date range from Version Effective Dates. Select Update This Version. Select another Start Date and End Date.
- Select Contract Definition to define how many hours a week an employee should be working, on average, to satisfy the terms of the employee contract. The parameter values are used by the system to calculate the target hours. They are also used to derive the daily number of hours for symbolic pay code edit amounts when configured (see Contract definition-based time-off calculations). Specify one or more of the following parameters as required for the terms of the contract:
- Hours per Week — Specify the employee's contracted number of hours to work per week.
- Hours per Day — Specify the employee's contracted number of hours to work per day.
- Days per Week — Specify the employee's contracted number of day to work per week.
- Full Time Equivalency — Specify the number of Hours or a Percentage that is the equivalent of a full-time employee.
- Legal Week Start Day — Select the day that the legal week starts on. This is used to calculate an employee's weekly hours.
- Legal Work Week — Specify the number of days in the work week. This is used to calculate an employee's absence hours.
- Working Days — Select which days of the week the employee works, and optionally, specify the number of hours per working day.
- Specify the pay policies for the employment term:
- Select the General tab.
- Select a Pay Rule.
- Select an Accrual Profile.
- Select a Cascading Profile.
- Select a Holiday Profile.
- Select a Time-Off Rule.
- Select a Pay Codes Values Profile.
If multiple assignments functionality is enabled on your system, the pay policy attributes are divided into separate Employee and Assignment sections to differentiate between employee-level and assignment-level attributes.
The Pay Rule, Accrual Profile, and Cascading Profile attributes are configured in the Employee section, and the rest of the attributes are configured in the Assignment section.
Employee attributes are those that are assigned to an employee in the People Record. These attributes apply globally for an employee, regardless of their assignments.
Assignment attributes can vary depending on the assignment.
- Select the Work Hours Definition tab to select predefined date patterns for the employment terms and to define target hours:
- Select a Date Pattern that is the reference period used by the system for computing the target number of hours.
- In Amount From, select the source from which the target hours amount is derived:
- Specified Amount — Enter the number of hours (hh:mm) to use as the target for the period.
- Contract Schedule —The number of hours used as the target for the period is derived from the employee’s contract schedule. Select this option to use Contract shifts in time-off rules or paycode edits.
- Employee Schedule — Indicates that the number of hours in the date pattern is the sum of the shifts in the employee's schedule during the time period when assignment of the employment terms is active.
- Percent of Contract — Specify the percentage amount for the system to compute that percentage of the Contract Definition-derived hours amount. For example, specify 100 to set the hours target at 100 percent of the Contract Definition computed amount for the period.
- Percent of FTE — Specify the percentage amount for the system to compute that percentage of the Full Time Equivalency hours amount derived from the Contract Definition. For example, specify 100 to set the hours target at 100 percent of the Contract Definition FTE Equivalency computed amount for the period.
- Select Include in Averaging Dataview to include the working hours definition in the averaging Dataview and to track the working hours definition using the paycode that you specify in Track Totals in Paycode.
- In Track Totals in Paycode, select an hours-based paycode in which the daily totals of time count toward the daily average limit.
- Select an Overtime Rule.
- The overtime rules available for selection are only those that have the reset option of Date Pattern selected in their configuration. When an overtime rule is selected, the Date Pattern is the pattern selected in the overtime rule configuration and is read-only from the employment terms. To change the Date Pattern, edit the overtime rule.
- For more information, see Contract definition-based overtime limits and target hours calculations.
- To add another date pattern, click the plus icon
To delete a date pattern, click the delete icon
Note: Include in Averaging Dataview must be selected for the schedule to show target hours.Note: For target hours, the employee's pay rule must link to a work rule that links to a paycode distribution that contains the same values in Track Totals in Paycode. - Select the Pay Codes tab:
In Duration Paycode Overrides:
- Select a Duration Paycode.
- Select a Work Rule to associate with the duration paycode.
- If you select a duration paycode, you must select a work rule.
- The combination of selections in the table overrides the work rule association in the paycode definition. The duration paycode uses the selected work rule instead. If no duration paycode is associated with a work rule, select <None>.
- You can add or delete overrides.
- In Hours Amounts for Day Pay Codes, define the number of hours for:
- The duration portion of a day pay code edit that has an associated duration amount
- A cascade to day edits that have associated duration amounts
- Select a Day Paycode for the override.
- Select an Amount from:
- Schedule Pattern — Indicates that the number of hours for the day paycode is from the shift in the employee's assigned schedule pattern during the time period for the active version of the employment term assignment.
- Contract Schedule — Indicates that the number of hours for the day paycode is from the shift in the Employment Terms Group schedule. This option must be selected to use the Contract shift selection in Time-Off rules or Paycode Edits.
- Employee Schedule — Indicates that the number of hours for the day paycode the sum of the shifts in the employee's schedule during the time period for the active version of the employment term assignment.
- Specified Amount — Enter the Amount (duration) and Start Time for the day paycode.
- You can add or delete hours amounts.
- Select the Minimum Wage tab and specify the following:
- Minimum Wage — The required minimum wage for this term. Employees must be paid at least the specified amount per hour, on a daily basis.
- Contributing Pay Codes — Select the pay code set for this term. These pay codes count toward determining whether a minimum wage needs to be paid.
- Pay Code for Adjustment — This is the “top up” pay code to get the employee to minimum wage.
- Click Save & Return.
Note: Hours Amounts for Day Pay Codes is an override only for 1) day cascade pay codes in the Schedule Planner and 2) day cascade and day standard pay codes associated with hours pay codes in the Timecard.

- From the Main Menu, go to Maintenance > People Information.
- In People Information, select Timekeeping > Timekeeper.
- In the Employment Terms table, select the employment terms and enter a Start Date and End Date.
- If necessary, click Add Row
- Click Save.
Note: You can add or delete employment terms as long as the dates never overlap.
For employees with multiple assignments:
- From the Main Menu, go to Maintenance > People Information.
- In People Information, select Assignments > Multiple Assignments.
- Click Edit
for the assignment that you want to assign employment terms. - On the menu, select Timekeeper.
- In the Employment Terms table, select the employment terms and enter a Start Date and End Date.
- If necessary, click Add Row
to add another employment terms. - Click Save.
However, you can assign each of the employee's assignments to different employment terms groups.

Activate an employment term to make it available for assignment to employees. Inactive employment terms cannot be applied.
On the Employment Terms page, select an employment term.
Select Activate or Inactivate.

Note: You cannot delete an employment term that has been associated with a person. Instead, inactivate the employment term.
- Select the employment term.
- Click Delete.
- Click OK.