Time Off Rules
You can apply an average of recently worked, contracted, or scheduled time as the amount of a pay code edit for part-time employees who typically work varying amounts of times from one day to the next.
Normal processing is replaced with the amount computed by the employee’s time-off rule when both of the following conditions occur in the timecard or the Scheduler:
- The edit is Full Contract Day or Half Contract Day.
- The employee has an Employment Term assignment that contains a Time Off Rule.
In addition, this amount is automatically updated if the values used to generate it change.

Select time-off rules from the list to edit, duplicate, or delete.
- To specify a row — To perform an action on all items in the list, select the check box at the top of the column. You can only select one row at a time to duplicate.
- To sort this table on any column — Click a column header to sort the table on that column. Then, click the arrow to sort the table in ascending order or descending order.

Use the Time-Off Rule Editor to create, duplicate, or edit time-off rules. Always save your changes before proceeding.
- From the Main Menu, select Administration > Application Setup > Employment Terms > Time Off Rule.
- Click New or select a time-off rule from the list and click Duplicate or Edit.
- Enter or edit the name and description.
- Select the contributing shifts rule.
- In the If more than one shift exists on a day area, select one:
- Use the length of the longest shift — If there is more than one shift on a day, only the length of the longest shift contributes to the average shift length (the default).
- Use the sum of all the shifts — If there is more than one shift on a day, all of the shifts contribute to the average shift length.
- Specify the Averaging Type information.
- Select one of the Use Recent Shifts settings:
- Contract — Average over recent contract shifts.
- Scheduled — Average over recent scheduled shifts.
- Worked — Average over recent worked shifts. This is the default.
- Select one of the Use Number of settings, which define how the average shift length is calculated.
- Number of qualified shifts — The total number of qualified hours is divided by the total number of qualified shifts, as determined by the contributing shifts rule. You can also specify a minimum number of qualified shifts to use for this calculation. Enter a value between 0 and 999 in the text box.
- Number of qualified days — The total number of qualified hours is divided by the total number of qualified days. You can also specify a minimum number of qualified days to use for this calculation. Enter a value between 0 and 999 in the text box.
- Fixed number — The total number of qualified hours is divided by a specified fixed number. The default and the minimum is 1. You can enter a value up to 999 in the text box.
- Configure the Average Shift Rounding:
- Enter a round to specify the increment to which the computed average shift length is adjusted.(default is one minute).
- Enter a grace to specify whether the average shift length rounds to the next increment or to the previous increment.
- Specify the minimum time-off amount. The specified minimum applies to edits with full schedule day or full contract day amounts. For edits using half-day amounts, the minimum is half the specified amount.
- Specify the maximum time-off amount. (Default is 99:59).
- Click Save.

- From the Time-Off rules page, select the time-off rules.
- Click Delete, and then click OK.