Cascading Profiles
Cascading profiles contain cascading policies, which define the paycodes used to trigger cascading accrual takings. Employees can have one or more policies in their profile, which is assigned on the Accruals & Leave page in People Information.

- Select Administration > Application Setup > Pay Policies > Cascading Profiles.
- Click New or select a profile and then click Duplicate or Edit.
- Enter or modify the name and optionally, add a description.
- Select the applicable cascading policies from the Available Cascading Policies box and move them to the Selected Cascading Policies box.
- Click Save.

Activate a cascading profile to make it available for use throughout the system. New cascading profiles or policies are automatically assigned a status of Active.
Note: You cannot assign an inactive cascading profile to an employee in People Information.
To activate or inactivate an existing cascading profile:
- Select All in the Filter drop-down list to see whether an item is active or inactive.
- Select the check box to the left of the cascading profile that you want to activate or inactivate. You can select multiple items to activate or inactivate.
- Click Activate or Inactivate.
To delete a Cascading Profile, select the check box for one or more items, and click Delete.

Assign cascading profiles on the Accruals page in People Information.
Note: The accrual profile selected must contain accrual policies that allow the same overdrafts allowed in the cascading policies