Accrual profiles
Accrual profiles enable you to group different accrual policies and assign them to one or more employees. For example, you have full-time staff members who accrue vacation time, sick time, and bonus money at different rates. Create Full-time Vacation, Full-time Sick, and Full-time Bonus rules and group these policies in a profile named Full-time Staff Members.
Accrual profiles are assigned on the Accruals & Leave page in People Information. If you are using Employment Terms, you can also assign accrual profiles in the Employment Terms Editor in setup.
You can effective-date accrual profile assignments and manage benefit balances, which can change, based on an employee’s status. For example, you want to assign different accrual profiles to employees who are promoted or who change jobs. Profiles can be assigned for any time in the past, present, or future. Employees can be assigned more than one accrual profile.

From the Main Menu, select Administration > Application Setup > Accruals > Accrual Profiles. When you create, edit or duplicate accrual profiles, use the following fields:
- Name — The name of the accrual profile. The name must be unique among accrual profiles.
- Policy — Select the policies to include in the accrual profile.
- Display — Specify whether you want each accrual policy to be visible or hidden.
- Balance Cascade Group — Assign balance cascade groups to an Accrual Profile.

The accrual profile you assign to an employee determines the accrual codes for which balances can be displayed on the My Accruals Tile on the employee's home page. The configuration of the My Accruals tile determines which of the accrual codes from the employee's accrual profile are displayed. Up to 10 codes can be displayed on the My Accruals tile. See Configure Custom Tiles for more information.

When you create an accrual profile, you can specify that one or more of the accrual policies be visible or hidden from view. If visible, the accrual code and balances are displayed. If hidden, the accrual code and balances are not displayed.
When an accrual policy is hidden:
- Employees who are assigned to an accrual profile with hidden accrual policies cannot see the hidden accrual codes in the Accruals tab on their timecard or in the My Accruals Balances and Projections report.
- A manager, whose employees are assigned to a profile with hidden accrual policies, cannot see or edit balances in the hidden accrual codes in the timecards of those employees who are assigned to the profile.
- When a manager edits accruals in Group Edits, the hidden accrual code and balances of employees do not display and the manager cannot edit the accrual balances. (The accrual code and balances of employees who have visible accrual policies in their accrual profile are displayed and can be edited.)
- An accrual profile can have both hidden and visible accrual policies. Only visible accrual codes and balances are displayed.
- A hidden accrual policy continues to accrue, as set up in the Accrual Rule.
- To change the hidden or visible state of an accrual policy in an accrual profile, click Visible or Hidden in the Display column next to the policy on the Accrual Profiles page.
- Balances for hidden accrual policies can be viewed in the Accrual Summary Report, Dataviews, and the timecard if the View Hidden Accrual Policies access control point is set to Allowed in your Function Access Profile (FAP).

Accrual profiles contain a collection of accrual policies that specify how employees accrue time and money. For example, one policy specifies how vacation time is accrued and how it can be used, another specifies how sick time is accrued and how it can be used.
Effective dating accrual profile assignments enables you to manage benefit balances, which can change, based on an employee’s status. For example, you can assign different accrual profiles in the following situations.
- Employees are promoted
- Employees change jobs
- Employees transition from full-time to part-time, or vice versa
- Employees take military leave, or return from military leave
- Employees take a leave of absence, or return from a leave of absence
- Employees need a new profile because the company changed accrual codes or accrual policies
In each of these situations, the accrual policies associated with employees can change, which requires a change in their accrual profile. You can manage these changes in People Information, where you can assign one or more accrual profiles, each with different effective dates.
When assigning accrual profiles, note that:
- Accruals amounts can change when the accrual profile changes.
- The effective date for an accrual profile applies to the entire accrual day, with- in specified day divides.
- Signed off totals remain locked. A new accrual profile assignment in the past does not affect data that has been signed off unless the sign-off is removed.
- Accrual profile assignments cannot have overlapping dates.
- If an accrual profile assignment is deleted, the previous assignment is not affected.
- You can view accrual profile assignments in the timecard menu and on the Accruals tab at the bottom of the timecard. If you want detailed accruals information, use a display profile that includes an accruals reporting period tab, rather than the legacy Accruals tab.
- After an upgrade from a version that did not have accrual profile effective data to a version that does, all existing rules are effective from the beginning of time through forever.