Published Reports

The Report Management - Published Reports page lists the reports that have been published for your organization. From here you can edit, copy, or delete certain published reports as well as edit the display options. You can also access Report Studio to create or edit a report design.

Note: You create published reports from the Report Management - Unpublished Reports page. For more information, see Unpublished Reports

To access the Report Management - Published Report page:

From the Main Menu, select Administration > Application Setup > Common Setup > Published Reports.

The Published Reports page lists the following information for each published report:

  • Report Name
  • Description
  • Label
  • Output FormatsPDF, XSLX, Interactive, or CSV
  • Category — The domain name, such as Timekeeping, Scheduler
  • Report Data Object Name — The name of the Report Data Object (RDO) that was used to create the report
  • Type — The type of report dictates whether or not you can copy or edit the report:
    • Standard — Domain-specific reports that are shipped with the product. You can edit or copy these reports.
    • Standard -Read Only — Domain-specific reports that are shipped with the product. You cannot edit or change these reports.
    • Custom — Reports that were designed specifically for your organization. You can edit or change these reports.
    • Custom - Read Only — Reports that were designed specifically for your organization. You cannot edit or change these reports.

For more information about report types, see Work with standard and custom reports.