Work with standard and custom reports

Standard reports are domain-specific reports that are shipped with the product. Some standard reports are read-only and cannot be copied or changed. Others can be changed and copied.

If you need reports that are specific for your organization, you can create custom reports. These reports can be copied and changed.

Note: You can change the display options of all reports, regardless of whether they are read-only or not. This includes the report name, description, label, default output type, category, and report parameters.

All reports—standard and custom—are based on report data objects, which define the columns used in the report.

  • If a report is editable, you can also edit the report data objects associated with the report .
  • If a report is non-editable, you cannot edit the report data objects associated with the report.

To determine the edit status of a report, go to Administration > Application Setup > Common Setup > Published Reports. The Type column of the reports listed identifies each report as:

  • Standard — Domain-specific standard report that can be edited or copied.
  • Standard -Read Only — Domain-specific report that cannot be edited
  • Custom — Custom report that can be edited

The RDO column lists the report data objects used by each report. When editing a report or a copy of a report, the relationship between the report data objects and the report is important.

To copy a report:

  1. Select a report from the Published Reports page, and click Edit.
  2. In the Edit page, select Save as and give the copied report a new name.

The following table summarizes what you can do with the different types of reports:

Edit Report Edit Associated RDOs Copy Report Edit Copy Copy
Edit Copied RDOs Edit Display Options
Standard Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Standard-Read Only No No No No No No Yes
Custom Yes Yes Yes Yes No NA Yes