Work with interactive reports

Interactive viewer is the environment in which you view interactive reports. When you open an interactive report, interactive viewer opens in a new tab.

With interactive viewer, you can customize reports based on your needs and preferences. You can do the following on reports containing up to 200 pages:

  • Modify the layout of the report
  • Create computed data
  • Move or delete columns
  • Create aggregate data
  • Modify tables displaying summary information,
  • Modify charts and graphs
  • Modify data in crosstabs
  • Rearrange data using simple menu options

In interactive viewer, select and right-click an area in the report. The context menu varies depending on the type of content selected. Options include the following:

Icon Label Function
Change text Change the text, alignment, or font of the report header.
  Header Change text, alignment, or font.
Group Add a group or delete an inner group as well as define page breaks before or after groups.
Column Change the width of columns, move or remove columns to improve presentation or change the order of data in a report. You can also sort data in a column in ascending or descending order, organize data columns into groups, and create computed columns.


Create aggregate data such as sums, standard deviations, rankings, and differences.
Filter Often, a report or report element provides more information than you need. You can display specific rows of a report by using a filter. For example, instead of listing all customer sales, you can create a filter to list only the sales data for a particular week or a specific region. Filtering data helps you work effectively with large amounts of data.
Sort Sort data to display report content in a more meaningful order. You can sort data in ascending or descending order, and you can sort by as many as three fields. For example, you can sort a list of customers by credit rank, then by customername.
Alignment Align left, right, or center
font icon Format Modify the font or copy the style.
  Export Content You can export content to different file formats.
  Hide and display report elements You can hide columns as well as report elements based on your needs. You can also hide duplicate data rows in a column, or a group.
Display calculated data You can create calculations to count items in a warehouse or provide more complex financial data, such as tracking stock portfolio performance over time.
Analyze You can modify crosstabs using a tool called Interactive Crosstabs. You can add, remove, reorganize, and customize the data in a crosstab to examine relationships and trends.

When you click tap the menu icon you can: