Attendance configuration sequence

The Attendance administrator

  • Configures the building blocks that comprise an attendance policy and how it is applied to employees
  • Maintains and creates Attendance documents, such as written warning letters, perfect attendance notifications.

Configuration tasks are performed in Administration > Application Setup > Attendance Setup.

Configure attendance starting with Attendance Events and Patterns. Move up the list of building blocks. When all building blocks are configured and included in policies and profiles, assign the policies to a profile and assign the profile to individuals or groups.

Attendance profiles consist of a set of attendance policies. Each policy is a collection of rules used for processing by the attendance processor. Each rule consists of a condition or list of conditions, and a resulting action that occurs when the conditions are met. In addition, each condition is based on an attendance event, which is connected to an attendance event.

  1. Configure Attendance Events Patterns
    • Attendance Events — Attendance events are occurrences in a typical work day that are used to build attendance policies.
    • Attendance Patterns —Attendance patterns are events that show repeated, unwanted behavior on consecutive days.
  2. Configure Lost Time Events — Define attendance events that contribute to lost time and how Lost time is calculated.
  3. Define Combined events — Combined events are multiple attendance events. Combined events let you manage related events as one event.
  4. Create Perfect Attendance Definitions — Perfect attendance definitions are a collection of attendance events, attendance patterns, or combined events that disqualify an employee from attaining perfect attendance. If any of these events or patterns occur a designated number of times, the user is disqualified from meeting the perfect attendance definition.
  5. Define Tracking Periods — A tracking period defines a date pattern range over which attendance tracking occurs. You can designate a tracking period during which rules are evaluated for each attendance policy.
  6. (Optional)Create Document Template — Create a document template that can be sent based on Attendance Actions, and Policies. A common attendance document type is a Perfect Attendance Acknowledge.
  7. Attendance Actions — Attendance actions are responses to employee occurrences, positive or negative.
  8. Balance Types — Balance types are storage areas for managing attendance points.
  9. Discipline Levels — Create different discipline levels that can be associated with attendance policies and actions.

  10. (Optional) Create Generic notifications — Use generic notifications to alert managers or employees of different changes in attendance states.
  11. Create Attendance Policies — Attendance policies define the rules for employee attendance behavior and the result of conforming or violating those rules. There are several different types of attendance policies that each have their own configuration steps:
  12. Attendance Profiles — Attendance profiles consist of a set of Attendance policies.