Perfect Attendance Definitions

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New definitions are assigned an Active status. Perfect attendance definitions must be active to be used in Attendance configuration.

You cannot associate an inactive perfect attendance definition with an attendance policy when you are configuring a new attendance policy. If you inactivate a perfect attendance definition that is already associated with an attendance rule or policy, the definition continues to work in that attendance rule or policy.

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Create a perfect attendance definition

A new perfect attendance definition is assigned an Active status.

  1. Navigate to Administration > Application Setup > Attendance Setup > Perfect Attendance Definitions.
  2. Click Tap New.
  3. Identify the definition. Provide:
    • Perfect Attendance Definition Name - an internal name.
    • Display Name — to be used throughout Attendance Setup.
    • Code — an abbreviation.
  4. From the Event/Pattern list, select the events or patterns that will included in this Perfect Attendance definition. The list included events, patterns, combined events or lost time events.
    1. Event/Pattern — Select the event, pattern, combined event, or lost time event that disqualifies an employee from perfect attendance.
    2. Number of Free Incidents — Enter the number of event or pattern incidents that the employee can incur without being disqualified from perfect attendance. For example, employees can be tardy by less than 30 minutes once without penalty. On the second occurrence, they are disqualified.

      If an attendance pattern is composed of amount-based pay codes, you do not specify a number of free incidents.

    3. To add to the list of qualifiers, click tap Insert a new row and repeat steps a-c as needed.
  5. Click Save .

Note: If completing the attendance configuration sequence, the next configuration step is to configure Tracking Periods.