Print Schedule

Note: This business process is an extension model that is developed outside the normal release schedule to meet specific client needs. To request one of these models, you must submit a Salesforce Service Request to ADP. After the model is delivered to your tenant, you can edit it to meet your needs.

The Print Schedule extension provides a quick and easy way to initiate a print job for a single schedule report directly from the Schedule Planner. Managers with access to reporting must have the preselected report included in their report profile to use this functionality.

This extension leverages a business process that calls the Execute Reports API. Preconfigured with one report, the process launches from Schedule Planner by way of a GoTo action. Schedule Planner selections for employees, or location, and date range are automatically passed as report parameters. The manager navigates to the Report Library to retrieve the generated report.

Schedule report types that can be attached to the process include:

Employee based

  • This report type can be printed for individual or multiple employees, but not for locations or Hyperfinds.

  • Employee selection is performed using the employee checkbox. If a Hyperfind is chosen in Schedule Planner, it is ignored.

  • Example: Employee Schedule - Weekly report.

Location based

  • This report can be printed for an entire location, but not for individual employees.

  • Employee selection is always based on the manager's All Home Locations. If an employee or location is chosen in Schedule Planner, it is ignored.

  • If the report needs to be executed for a different location, the manager changes the location on the Business Process Library page.

  • Example: Location Schedule - Weekly report.