Configure Staffing Profiles

You assign Staffing Dashboards to a Staffing Profile, which is then assigned to a Display Profile. Each employee and manager is assigned a Display Profile in the People Information component.

  1. From the Main Menu, go to Administration > Application Setup > Display Preferences > Display Profile Building Blocks and open the Staffing Profile page. The Staffing Profiles that are available are listed on the page.
  2. To create a new profile, click Create or to change a profile, select the profile and click Edit .
  3. Enter or change the name and description. If you are editing a profile, select one of the following:
    • Save changes everywhere that the named entity is used to change the selected profile.
    • Save as a new named entity to create a new profile based on the selected profile. If you select this option, you must also change the name of the profile.
  4. In the Staffing Dashboards section, you can:
    • Click Create to create a new Staffing Dashboard as described in Configure Staffing Dashboards.
    • Select a Staffing Dashboard and click Edit to change the Staffing Dashboard as described in Configure Staffing Dashboards.
    • Select a Staffing Dashboard and click Assign to assign a Staffing Dashboard to the Staffing Profile. You can assign multiple Staffing Dashboards and you can remove an assignment by clicking Un-Assign
  5. When finished, click Save.

Assign, unassign, or re-order Staffing Dashboards