Configure Schedule Event Rules

Event-based schedule rules enable you to define restrictions or constraints that govern the amount of work time or the number of recurrences that a specific event, such as night shifts or weekend shifts, can be scheduled over a set period of time.

These rules enable you to generate schedules that adhere to shift commitments and schedule fairness, and that comply with global labor laws, work time limits, and industry regulations.

For example, you can use Schedule Event Rules to ensure that:

  • Employees work an equal number of weekends per calendar year
  • Only a certain amount of night shifts are worked per scheduling period
  • Employees cannot work more than a maximum amount per specific type of shift
  • A maximum average number of hours is worked in each reference period
  • Your function access profile must allow access to Schedule Rules (Administration > Application Setup > Access Profiles > Function Access Profiles. Select an access profile, go to Manager - Common Setup > Schedule Configuration, and set Schedule Rules to "Allowed").
  • Child locations do not inherit employee rule sets from parent locations.