Global Values System Settings
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The Global Values settings specify properties that remain constant for all instances in the system. Global properties are maintained in the WtkGlobalSettings table in the database.
Warning: Do not modify any properties in these settings unless you want the change applied to all of the instances in the system.
Properties with global scope across instances are maintained in database tables. If you switch to a new database, you get the global value settings that relate to that database. You can copy properties settings to a new database.
Key and value details
global.AdjacentShifts.ScheduleMergeSetting — Combine adjacent scheduled shifts; pay overlapping time based on the earlier or later shift.
Value=required; installed default=Disabled
global.AdjacentShifts.ScheduleMergeSetting.AllowAdjacentShifts — When enabled, the adjacent shifts will appear in timecard. When disabled, the "ScheduleMergeSetting" will be used.
Default = Disabled
global.AdjacentShifts.TotalNearbyShifts — When enabled, if two scheduled shifts are close to each other but not adjacent, both shifts affect totals. Value=required; installed default=Enabled — Enables Time Series Dataviews and Reports to show data for calendar week definitions of Mon day to Sunday or Sunday to Saturday.
global.attendance.attendanceEditor.useEditAttendanceEventsFAPForMarkers — A switch to turn on or off the validation against the Edit Attendance Events function access control point for deleting markers in Attendance Editor.
Default = false.
global.BatchService.BatchRecordsTimeToLive — Specifies how many days batch service records stay in the system before they are purged.
global.BatchService.PurgeChunkSize — Specifies number of records to be purged at a time.
global.business_structure.restrictions — Controls whether validation rules are applied by default to the Forecasting business structure. These rules enforce where in the business structure locations of specific types, like departments, can be created, copied, or moved.
When system is set to true:
- For locations (including org jobs), back dating is not allowed.
- For types, back dating is not allowed.
- For generic jobs that have not been assigned to the business structure, back dating is allowed.
Default = true.
global.controlCenter.defaultTimeframeFilter.enabled — Controls the default timeframe filter value on the control center page.
True = Week to Date
False = None
global.corrections.defaultwagepaycode — Select one of the money paycodes from the drop-down list to use as the wage paycode for all historical corrections.
global.customFields.count — Specifies the maximum number of custom fields that a user can add to the list of custom fields.
Value=required; minimum=10; maximum=30; installed default=10
global.Duration.UseScheduledWorkRuleTransfer.Date — Sets the effective date that allows Duration Pay Codes to use the Work Rule Transfer associated with the scheduled shift to calculate hours.
This behavior is off by default (the field is blank). To turn the behavior off after it is enabled, enter a date in the future (for example, 1/1/3000).
global.Duration.UseScheduledWorkRuleTransfer.Tag — Duration pay codes that occur after the effective date set for Global.Duration.UseScheduledWorkRuleTransfer.Date and are assigned this pay code tag use the work rule transfer associated with the scheduled shift to calculate hours. Enter a pay code tag name.
A pay code tag name is not configured by default (the field contains the word None). You can enter None again after entering a pay code tag name to revert to the default behavior.
Note: The pay code tag name is case-sensitive, so it should be entered here exactly how it is configured in the system. For more information, see Pay Code Tag.
global.emphoto.enable — Enable employee photographs to appear in the user interface. Default = false.
global.ems.AuditReadEvents.enabled — Enables audit logging of Inbox message.
Value: required; installed default =false
global.entitlement.customfield.list — Define extension product license custom field names and the accepted values. The definition includes the exact names of the Custom Fields used to provide licenses to users, followed by the accepted values. The format is a comma separated list of the Custom Field names and ‘#’ separated accepted values, as follows:
License Customer Field A#AcceptedValue1#AcceptedValue2,….,License Customer Field X#AcceptedValue
The supported solution
Gaming License#true — When set to true, shows the number of Assigned Seats in the Entitlement Summary page for the solutions listed in the global.entitlement.customfield.list system setting. The default value is false.
For more information, see View license counts for external applications.
global.event.business_structure.enabled — Enable synchronization of changes to the business structure between systems.
global.featureswitch.limited_key — Enter a key to enable access to a feature switch. Once enabled the feature switch associated with the key will appear on the Feature Switch page in a disabled state.
global.groupEditor.optimizeForCalculatingEmployeeTotals.enabled — This optimization is to restrict the allocation of system resources for handling Calculate Totals Group Edit action
global.hiddenBreaks.transferSegmentBehaviour — When shift breaks are hidden from the employee's view, this setting determines which segment will be extended to account for the break's duration.
Value: not required; installed default=Extend First Segment End Time
- Extend First Segment End Time = The end of the shift's first segment is extended to account for the time allowed for the hidden break's duration.
- Extend Second Segment Start Time = The start of the shift's second segment is extended to account for the time allowed for the hidden break's duration.
- Note: This system setting takes effect only if the Hide Shift Breaks employee ACP is set to Allowed. See Employee ACPs for more information. — Controls the ability to see the Cost Center tab when configuring hyperfind filters for General Information > Primary Labor Category and Time Management > Labor Categories. — Controls the ability to see the description in labor category filters. — The duration(in seconds) of long cache in hyperfind. — The switch for controlling use of long cache in hyperfind. — The duration(in seconds) of short cache in hyperfind. — The switch for controlling use of short cache in hyperfind.
global.hyperfind.display.inclusiveExclusive.filter.switch — Controls the visibility of the two standard "All Home and transferred-in" Hyperfinds, the Edit and Duplicate controls in Hyperfind Application Setup page, and the set of Employee Group filters which appear for transferred-in employees.
global.hyperfind.paginationtoken.timeout — Specifies the timeout period (in minutes) for hyperfind pagination.
global.ia.includeinactiveterminatedindrilldown — This flag controls to fetch inactive/terminated employees in Business Structure and Employee dataview.
global.ia.location.selector.include.terminated — When enabled, the data returned by a report or a Dataview that is executed with selected or saved locations will include employees that have an Employment Status of Active, Inactive, or Terminated. Terminated employees are included only if their Termination Date is within the specific time period.
global.ia.multiread.api.selectall.enabled — Enables Select All in Dataviews to select all of the records or employees returned in the Dataview without scrolling pages. For existing tenants, the default value is false and must be changed to true to enable scrolling. For new tenants the default value is true.
Default = false
global.ia.timecardtransactions.include.midnightpunches — When enabled, midnight punches that display in the timecard are included in the Time Detail Report and the Condensed Employee Time Detail Report.
Default = false
global.ia.timecardtransactions.include.payfromschedule — When enabled, pay from schedule segments that display in the timecard are included in the Time Detail Report and the Condensed Employee Time Detail Report.
Default = false
Integration settings
- global.ihub.allowed.batch.request — Maximum number of real-time batch API requests allowed for each tenant.
- global.ihub.convertDateFormatAsInUserPreferences — Switch to allow date conversion to a user-defined format in date type integration parameters.
Default = false. - global.ihub.enable.networkhops.access
- global.ihub.integrationdb.connection.limit
- global.ihub.purge.process.chunksize
- global.ihub.purge.process.enabled — Turns on the daemon that purges records of integration-run results, typically after 90 days. Default = true. To turn off record purges, set to false.
Note: To change the frequency of the daemon runs (default = daily), set the frequency in the Event Manager and restart the tenant.
- global.ihub.purge.process.enabled.forall — Turns on the daemon that purges records of integration-run results for all tenants. Default = true. To turn off record purges for all tenants, set to false.
- global.ihub.purge.process.interval — Sets the number of days to retain records of integration-run results. Default = 90 days.
To change the retention period, change the number of days. Example, enter 120 to change the retention period to 120 days.
Note: Older records can be retained if the daemon failed to purge records because of a throttling limit, such as if CPU usage is consistently above 65%.
- global.ihub.purge.retry.count.limit — Sets the number of times that the data-purge daemon tries to run if it fails. Default = 3 times.
- — Sets the time that the data-purge daemon waits between retries. Default = 1000 milliseconds.
- Time-out settings:
The process to purge records of integration-run results has two sequential tasks. To set the time-out period of the whole data-purge process, divide the desired time-out period into 2 periods and then set the following: — Sets the time-out period for the first task of the data purge process. Default = 3600 seconds. — Sets the time-out period for the second task of the data purge process. Default = 7200 seconds.
Example: To set the total time-out period to 3 hours, divide 3 hours into two values such as 1.5 + 1.5 hours or 1 + 2 hours, and enter the values in seconds.
- — Sets the data limit when the data-purge daemon runs. Default = 1000.
- global.ihub.purge.process.terminate — Default = false. To terminate the data-purge process while it is running, set this property to true.
- global.ihub.purge.cpu.percentage.limit — Sets the central processing unit (CPU) usage limit when the data-purge daemon does not run. Default = 50%.
- global.ihub.purge.ppas.cpu.percentage.limit — Sets the CPU usage limit for the EDB Postgres Advanced Server (PPAS) when the data-purge daemon does not run. Default = 50%.
- — Sets the time to set or reset the tenant after a data purge. Default = 72 hours.
- global.ihub.purge.ta.process.chunksize
global.iprestriction.username.bypass.list — Comma-separated list of user names for user and system accounts that can bypass IP Restriction Enforcement. Names on this list always have access to systems from unknown IP addresses regardless of whether IP restriction is enforced.
Default = blank
global.leave.AutoOpenAddNewCase — When true, navigating to the Leave of Absence Case Editor from the Employee Search if the selected employees do not have a active leave cases, the Add New Case panel will open. When false, the Leave of Absence Case Editor page will open. The default is false.
global.logonprofile.enhanced.policies — If set to true, enhanced password policies are applicable. Otherwise, old password policies apply.
global.LongList.TransferListThreshold — The maximum number of authorized accounts shown in the employee’s transfer drop-down list.
Default = 10
global.navigator.default.assignment.enabled — Controls the automatic assignment of navigator templates to users who do not have a navigator assigned via their Display Profile. If set to true, navigator templates are automatically assigned to users based on their license assignments. If set to false, navigators are not assigned automatically.
Default = true — When true is selected, users will be allowed to see the new home page.
Default = false — When true is selected, users will be allowed to see new feature alert.
Default = false
global.NumberToString.RoundingMode — Controls how decimal POS import amounts are rounded. HALF_EVEN rounds to the nearest even whole number (for example: 2.5 rounds to 2, 3.5 rounds to 4), HALF_UP rounds up to the nearest whole number, HALF_DOWN rounds down to the nearest whole number.
global.oAuth.authCode.redirection.uris — Enter full URI that needs to be whitelisted to receive auth code for OAuth flow. Comma separated multiple URIs are supported.
global.offline.disconnection.delay — Offline disconnection delay in milliseconds.
global.orgmap.category_nodes.enabled — Enables the ability to add or remove categories to or from the Business Structure. Select trueor false.
global.OvertimeEqualization.enabled — Set to true to enable overtime equalization. When this is set to true, the Overtime menu appears on Time and Attendance Tab menus.
Value: required; installed default=false
Note: If you change this setting, you must restart the instance for the change to take effect. — Enables searching of future hire dated employee records with the Person APIs.
global.peopleEditor.allowAddBadgeNumbrBeforeCurrentDate — If set to true, the user can add a badge number before the current date.
value: installed default=false
global.peopleeditor.multipleassignments.editAssignmentNameExternalID.enabled — When enabled, allows you to edit the assignment name and external ID for single assignment employees in People Information. The default value is false.
global.peopleeditor.multiplemanagerroles.enabled — Enables multiple manager roles in People Information. The default is false.
global.peopleproperties.person.deleteflag — If set to true, enables the Delete option on the Person menu in People Information. The appropriate People Editor function access control points (Delete without transactions, Delete with transactions) must also be allowed for managers to delete a person; see the Manager - Common Setup ACPs topic.
When the setting is enabled and a person is deleted this permanently deletes the employee including all transactional data. It is important to note that this action is not reversible and can disrupt reports and KPIs.
global.platform.document.validExtensions — File extensions used for document templates. For example, docx.
global.PredictiveScheduling.enabled — If set to true, enables predictive scheduling on the tenant.
value: installed default=false
global.remove.setup.item.prefix — Application setup items with this prefix will be deleted by (Production Readiness) the Remove Test Data job. Value can be 1 - 3 characters, letters only (no numbers or special characters).
global.reporting.accruer.lookbackdays — Specifies the number of days in the past that Accruals reports look for a starting balance transaction.
global.reporting.prefetchwdmjobs — Include WDM data when prefetching report options.
Value=required; installed default=false
global.RequestReviewers.NonValidReviewerNotification.EventInstID — The Generic Notification to send when a non-valid reviewer is encountered.
Value: not required; installed default=None
global.scheduling.scheduleeventcomputation.enabled — Specifies whether Schedule Events computation, used by the Scheduling Rules, is enabled or not.
Value: not required; installed default=False
- True = Schedule Event Rules are validated.
- False = Schedule Event calculation is disabled. If Schedule Event rules are configured and assigned, rule violation warnings are displayed.
global.sdm.centralizeHTTPConnectionGZIP.enable — This flag will enable GZIP compression to allow SDM to support large payload. - Select 'true' to enable the alert and notification messages to send to Message Center
Default: false
global.tenant.PBJMealBreak.CombinePaycodeName — Select the combined paycode for automatic meal breaks. Only combined paycodes are available.
global.tenant.PBJ_MealBreak.Enabled — For the Payroll Based Journal Export integration, select whether or not to enable automatic meal breaks.
Default: false
global.tenant.PBJ_MealBreak.CombinePaycodeName — For the Payroll Based Journal Export integration, select the combined paycode for automatic meal breaks.
global.TimeCard.ToolTipDetailsAllowed — If set to true, tool tips appear in the timecard when you cursor over a cell or feature. If set to false, tool tips do not appear.
Value: not required; installed default=false
global.timekeeping.includeInactiveTerminated — This flag controls if a manager has access to inactive/terminated employees when there is no hyperfind query specified.
global.TotalizeOnTimecardSave.enabled — When set to True, forces the Callable Totalizer to be called when a Timecard is saved.
Value: installed default=false
global.totalizer.duration.linkOverriddenShift.effectivedate — When an effective date is specified, duration paycodes that override a shift (for example, when using duration paycodes for time off) are calculated as scheduled, rather than unscheduled. In addition, schedule exceptions and schedule hour deviations are not triggered in the employee timecard or totals.
This behavior is off by default (the field is blank). To turn the behavior off after it is enabled, enter a date in the future (for example, 1/1/3000).
global.totalizer.duration.useOriginalShift.effectiveDate — Enter an effective date to associate an original shift with a duration pay code edit, to correct the hours allocation date (based on fixed rules) and prevent the generation of schedule deviation and unscheduled exceptions. (MM/dd/yyyy)
Note: If a manager overrides an employee's scheduled shift (for example, a 2pm-10pm shift is changed to 4pm-12am), the "original shift" is the employee's 2pm-10pm shift.
Note: To ensure the hours are totalized correctly for processing time-off across the day divide, the effective date must be set to 1/1/1900.
See also, Use original shift with duration paycode edit overrides.
global.totalizer.extensibility.ruleData.maxSize — Allows you to configure a character limit for the ruleData field for the totalizer extensibility processor API. The default value is 15000.
global.totalizer.proactiveProjectionTimeInSeconds — Defines the amount of time the system searches ahead for another event (after ‘wakeup’).
global.totalizer.proactiveWakeupInSeconds — Defines the amount of time after an expected scheduled event that the relevant alert is generated.
global.TransactionAssistant.StartDateTime.DefaultNumberOfHours — The number of hours in the past for setting the default start date and time used for displaying errors in the Transaction Assistant.
Value: required; minimum=1; maximum=8784; installed default=72
global.udm.dataCollection.allow.transactions.after.timecard.approval — Allows processing transactions to the timecard after the timecard has been approved. The default is true.
global.udm.recordretention.days — Number of days worth of UDM data to retain when purging. — Enable or disable the password expiration warning.
Value: not required; Default: false — Number of days until the password expiration warning is displayed.
Value: not required; Default: 0
global.wat.includeHistoricalCorrectionsInWatProcessing — Adjust Start Day for Attendance processing to include historical corrections when applying rules.
global.wba.login.password — The Process Manager password, WBAUser. Note that this setting does not change the password. You can change the password by logging into the system as WBAUser and then using the Change Password function. The value for this setting must match the new password.
global.wfl.ApprovalTimerWorkflowInstance.ApprovalTimer.category — Specifies the category group of category & ApprovalTimerWorkflowInstance.ApprovalTimer
global.wfl.Attestation.Templates.category — Specifies the category group of category & Attestation.Templates.
global.wfl.CommitTakingsDayByDay — Commit takings day by day (versus committing as one block of time based on the dates on which takings are being committed. When this is set to false and a failure occurs, takings are not committed for any of the days in the date range being committed. When set to true and an accrual validation error occurs, takings are committed but stop on the day of the failure and subsequent days will not be committed. This setting is especially helpful for clients whose employees will receive additional accrual grants during the date range, but those grants are not yet reflected in the accrual balance on the first day of the range.
Value: required; installed default=false
global.wfl.i18n.WFS.Scheduling_Workflow.category — Specifies the category group of category &i18n.WFS.Scheduling_Workflow.
global.wfl.Notification.Templates.category — Specifies the category group of category &Notification.Templates.
global.wfl.RequestTransitions.RequestTransitions.category — Specifies the category group of category &RequestTransitions.RequestTransitions.
global.wfl.SiriusSmartviews.category — Specifies the category group of category &SiriusSmartviews.
global.wfl.Smartviews.category — Specifies the category group of category &Smartviews.
global.wfl.SmartviewsSub.category — Specifies the category group of category &SmartviewsSub.
global.wfl.timeoff.request.category — Specifies the category group of category &timeoff.request.
global.wfl.Validation.Templates.category — Specifies the category group of category &Validation.Templates.
global.wfl.WAT.Attendance_Setup.category — Specifies the category group of category &WAT.Attendance_Setup.
global.wfl.wfl.Leave_Management.category — Specifies the category group of category &wfl.Leave_Management.
global.wfl.wfl.Leave_Management_Setup.category— Specifies the category group of category &wfl.Leave_Management_Setup.
global.Wtk.MaxDaysToDisplayPayChecksInEarningHistory — The maximum number of days to display paychecks in earnings history.
Value: required; minimum=1; maximum=365; installed default=365
global.WtkScheduler.keepRestrictionForDeletingCertificate.flag — If true, the users will not be allowed to delete certifications from the database.
Value: required; installed default=true
global.WtkScheduler.MaxDaysToMarkScheduleOutOfDate — Identifies for the Background Processor the maximum number of days in the future that schedule changes do not need to be totalized. This keeps the Background Processor from recalculating totals needlessly. For example, if you add a shift to an employee 3 months in the future, there is no need to inform the Background Processor, because the shift addition does not affect any current totals.
Value: required; minimum=1; maximum=365; installed default=31
global.WTKScheduler.OverrideAllShiftsForFullScheduledDayEdit — Select True to override all shifts during a day only if Schedule Day is selected. If False, add all shifts that day to calculate the amount for the paycode edit, but remove only the selected shift and replace it by one open shift. Whether True or False, if shifts are selected, calculate the amount for the paycode edit amount only for the selected shift, remove that shift and replace it by one open shift.
global.WTKScheduler.ShiftCoverageCounting.RequireExactMatch — Indicates whether coverage includes only those shifts that exactly match start and end times of the planned shifts.
If set to false, coverage also counts any combination of schedule shifts that provide coverage for the complete planned shifts. If set to true, only matching shifts are included in the scheduled shifts.
Value: required; installed value = false
global.WtkScheduler.ShiftPattern.Update.PreserveExistingShifts — After changing an effective date, preserve existing shifts within the shift pattern.
Default = false
global.WtkScheduler.totalizer.service.evaluatedhours.enabled — Controls whether the BGP service for calculating evaluated hours is enabled
Default: false
global.WtkScheduler.totalizer.service.evaluatedhours.historicaldays — The number of days in the past to generate evaluated hours through the BGP service.
Default: 7 days
global.WTKScheduler.TransferToPrimary.SaveAsRegular — Defines a shift that is transferred to an employee's primary job as either a transfer or a regular shift.
Value: required; installed value=true
global.WtkSetup.OrgSets.MaximumNumberOfOrgSetsVisible — The maximum number of items that can be displayed in the Organizational Sets setup page.
Value: required; installed default = 1000
global.WtkTotalizer.AllowExpirationsToCrossZero — This global setting affects the behavior of grant expirations. With the setting turned off, grant expirations will never cause balances to cross zero. With the setting turned on, grant expirations can cause balances to cross zero.
Value: required; installed default = false
global.WtkTotalizer.AllowReprocessingCascadesInUnsignedOffTime — When the global.WtkTotalizer.StopReprocessingCascades is enabled, you can use this setting to allow reprocessing of cascades in unsigned off time. The default value is false.
- true — When the global.WtkTotalizer.StopReprocessingCascades setting is enabled and true is selected for this setting, then cascades are only reprocessed in unsigned-off time. Cascades do not reprocess in signed-off time.
- false — When the global.WtkTotalizer.StopReprocessingCascades setting is enabled and false is selected for this setting, then cascades do not reprocess in both signed-off and unsigned-off time.
See Stop reprocessing of cascading paycode and leave edits.
global.WtkTotalizer.ApplyScheduledAccountsInNonPfsWorkedAmounts — Controls whether or not scheduled transfers are applied to Worked Amounts in Project View, on days for which Pay-From-Schedule is not in effect.
Possible values are:
0 = Do not apply scheduled transfers to Worked Amounts in Project View.
1 = Apply scheduled transfers to Worked Amounts in Project View.
global.WtkTotalizer.BreakExceptionLimits — Controls how exceptions are triggered in relation to short exceptions and long exceptions.
Set to True to trigger exceptions when the interval:
- Is equal to or greater than the long exception.
- Is equal to or lesser than the short exception.
Set to False to trigger exceptions when the interval :
- Is greater than the long exception.
- Is less than the short exception.
global.WtkTotalizer.cascadingTotalizer.optimize-enabled — In the Cascading Totalizer, controls whether to enable optimization I.
Default: true
global.WtkTotalizer.cascadingTotalizer.optimize-II-enabled — In the Cascading Totalizer, controls whether to enable optimization II.
Default: true
global.WtkTotalizer.CoreHoursApplyOnlyWithinScheduledShifts — Core hours apply only within scheduled shifts.
Value: installed default=false
global.WtkTotalizer.DailyShiftDifferentialMatchQualifierLogic — Date to begin processing using existing logic from Schedule qualifier on Actual Punch qualifier (MM/dd/yyyy).
global.WtkTotalizer.DateToEnableContractBasedSymbolicPayCodeCalculation — Enable the use of contract based symbolic pay code amount calculations (configured in the pay code values profile and the employment terms) by specifying a date to begin use. Default is 01/01/3000.
global.WtkTotalizer.DateToEnableProratingOfWorkHoursDefinition — Enter a date to enable the prorating of period target hours computed from the work hours definition. Also see, Contract definition-based overtime limits and target hours calculations.
global.WtkTotalizer.DateToEnableTransfersPostProcessing — Date to enable transfers post processing (MM/dd/yyyy).
global.WtkTotalizer.DateToEnableUseFPAOutputlnAdjustmantRuleProcessing — When enabled, the wage rate in the total is updated to utilize the rate from the Fixed Percentage Allocation (FPA) calculation for Adjustment Rule input. Default is 01/01/3000.
global.WtkTotalizer.DeductOverlappingOnCallOnly — Indicates whether the worked time is deducted from the on-call pay. Set to 0 to indicate that the entire callback shift is deducted from on-call pay, or set to 1 to indicate that only the portion that overlaps the on-call shift should be deducted.
Value: installed default=false
global.WtkTotalizer.DisableShiftForRoundingFPAProcessingDate — Date to stop the use of shifts as part of a key in Fixed Percent Allocation rounding (MM/dd/yyyy).
global.WtkTotalizer.EndAccrualCalendarMonthOnFirst — Controls when a calendar month accrual expiration ends. If No, it ends on the last day of the month. If yes, it ends on the first day of the next month.
Default = No
global.WTKtotalizer.extensibility.cache.PreEmptiveLoadAllMode — In the Holiday Credit Work History qualifier, this setting controls how far into the future to look for past work history. Use this value (true/false) for holiday work credit qualification when number of days has been exceeded.
Default: true — In the Holiday Credit Work History qualifier, this setting controls how far into the future to look for past work history. Enable this function to optimize totalization.
Default: true — In the Holiday Credit Work History qualifier, this setting controls how far into the future to look for past work history. For days past this number of days, use the stand-in value instead.
Default: 15
global.WtkTotalizer.ImposeBalanceLimitAfterBalanceCascade — Effective date to enforce the balance limit the day after the balance is populated by the balance cascade (MM/dd/yyyy).
global.WtkTotalizer.IncludeCurrentShiftInProjected — Indicates that the system should include the current shift, with no In or Out punches in the past as part of the projected totals calculation. A current shift is a shift with a start time in the past and end time in the future.
global.WtkTotalizer.IncludeUnapprovedOvertimeInCarryforward — Include unapproved overtime in overflow contributing hours and store them in carryforward. Default = true.
global.WtkTotalizer.MaxDaysInFutureEventAffectsTotalization — The maximum number of days in the future that events, such as punches, affect the range of totalization. The Background Processor ignores timecard or scheduled events that are greater than this number of days in the future. This minimizes the load to the Background Processor, which improves system performance. If you need to project certain data far into the future, such as accrual balances, set this key high enough to accommodate the desired window.
Value: required; minimum=0; installed default=365
global.WtkTotalizer.MaxDaysInFutureForAccrualProjections — The maximum number of days into the future that accruals will be totaled. The Accruer will not compute beyond this value. It is possible that grant expiration transactions and user edits, such as resets, updates, and transfers, may appear in an employee’s accrual detail report for some date or dates beyond the end of the maximum date specified.
Value: installed default=365; maximum=731
global.WtkTotalizer.MaxDaysInFutureToComputeHolidays — The maximum number of days into the future that holidays are included in totalization.
Note the following for this setting:
- The value for the range of totalization (set in global.WtkTotalizer.MaxDaysInFutureEventAffectsTotalization).
- If a holiday credit needs to be created within the range of totalization.
- The holidays that need to be included within the range of totalization.
For example, if the range of totalization is 365 and this setting (global.WtkTotalizer.MaxDaysInFutureToComputeHolidays) is set to 60, all 365 days are totalized but only holidays within the 60 days are included in the totalization.
Default: 99999
global.WtkTotalizer.MaxLatencyForApproverNotification — This value determines the number of seconds between an approval and totalization during which changes to totals do not trigger a notification for the approver.
Default = 0
global.WtkTotalizer.MinDaysInFutureForAccrualProjections — The minimum number of days into the future that accruals will be totaled. The Accruer will always compute at least to this value.
Value: required; installed default = 365
global.WtkTotalizer.MinimumDaysInFutureForActualTotals — Minimum number of days in the future that the database contains actual totals. This setting specifies how far out in the future the Background Processor will totalize actual data for an employee.
Value: required; minimum=1; maximum=366; installed default=3
global.WtkTotalizer.MinimumDaysInFutureForScheduledTotals — Minimum number of days in the future that the database contains scheduled totals. The Background Processor calculates scheduled and projected totals for employees. The global.WtkTotalizer.MinimumDaysInFutureForScheduledTotals setting specifies how far out in the future that totalization is performed.
Value: required; minimum=1; maximum=366; installed default=3
global.WtkTotalizer.MinimumInactiveDaysWithoutTotalingActuals — Minimum number of days that the Totalizer can view without retotaling an employee with no activity.
Value: required; minimum=1; maximum=60; installed default=7
global.WtkTotalizer.MinimumInactiveDaysWithoutTotalingSchedule — Minimum number of days that the Totalizer can view without retotaling the schedule for an employee who has no schedule changes.
Value: required; minimum=1; maximum=60; installed default=7
global.WtkTotalizer.NumberDaysAddedToInMemoryScheduleTotalizationRequest — The number of days added to the end date of all requests for in-memory schedule totalization.
Default: 40
global.WTKTotalizer.OptimizedLookbackForHolidayEligibility — Currently not used.
global.WtkTotalizer.PaidBreakMayApplyToPrecedingWorkSpan — If set to 1, paid breaks that are followed by a work rule transfer can be paid as part of the preceding work span. If set to zero (0), they are always paid as part of the following work span.
Value: installed default=false
global.WtkTotalizer.PaycodeMovesAreContributingShifts — Determines whether paycode moves contribute to event calculations; specifies whether moving hours from one paycode to another affects the shift history for events with Work History Qualifiers. Set to yes to have paycode moves contribute to event calculations.
Value: required; installed default=false
global.WtkTotalizer.PayCodeRelocator.Enabled — Controls Pay Code Relocator enablement.
global.WtkTotalizer.PayFromScheduleWhenEmployeeIsInactive — Pay from schedule during periods in which the employee is inactive.
global.WtkTotalizer.PayHolidayCreditsToScheduledDays — If set to 1, holiday credits are paid to the date of a scheduled shift. If set to zero (0), holiday credits are paid to the holiday date.
Value: installed default=false
global.WtkTotalizer.PreventFutureShortfallProjection — When set to true, shortfall is not calculated beyond the current date. The default is false.
global.WtkTotalizer.ProcessScheduledPayCodeEditComments — Indicates whether comments entered in Scheduled Paycode Edits can be linked to timesheet items.
Value: installed default=false
global.WtkTotalizer.ProjectUnscheduledShift — Enables the projection of an unscheduled shift.
Value: installed default=true
global.WtkTotalizer.RoundPunchesToQualifyForZones — Indicates whether punches are rounded for purpose of evaluating the “must start work” and “must end work” qualifiers of daily shift differential rules and weekend differential zone rules.
Value: required; installed default=true
global.WtkTotalizer.ScheduledTransfersCanBeDelayed — Controls handling of scheduled transfers. If set to 1, a scheduled transfer is delayed if the same transfer occurs explicitly at a later time within the shift. If set to 0, a scheduled transfer is not delayed.
Value: required; installed default=true
global.WtkTotalizer.StopReprocessingCascades — Stops the reprocessing of Cascading Pay Codes and Leave Rules when a standard pay code edit for time-off is added to the timecard or schedule. Enter a date to enable the behavior. (MM/dd/yyyy)
This stops reprocessing in signed-off and unsigned-off time. If you only want to stop reprocessing in signed-off time, you can allow reprocessing in unsigned-off time. See the global.WtkTotalizer.AllowReprocessingCascadesInUnsignedOffTime setting.
See Stop reprocessing of cascading paycode and leave edits.
global.WtkTotalizer.StuckEmployeesExcludedfromCallableTotalizer — When set to true, employees who have been excluded from Totals Calculation via the Background Processor will also be excluded from the Callable Totalizer processing.
global.WtkTotalizer.TotalizerExtensibility.EnableRulesAnalysisToolLogging — Controls additional totalizer extensions debugging information in the log file when accessing the rules analysis tool. If false, additional debugging information will not be logged.
global.WtkTotalizer.UseMissedOutLimitForOnCallShifts — Use missed-out limit when working an on-call shift. Do not assume employee continued to work after the end of on-call time.
Value: installed default=false
global.WtkTotalizer.UseRoundedTimeforInvalidNameDurationExceptions — For Invalid Duration exception, use rounded time of nearby punches when determining if there is overlap.
Value: installed default=true
global.hyperfind.display.inclusiveExclusive.filter.switch — Controls the visibility of two standard "All Home and transferred-in" Hyperfinds. Select one of the following:
- Transferred-into Jobs "OR" Labor Categories (inclusive) — The All Home and Transferred-in to both labor category and location Hyperfind will not be visible. Additionally, the Exclusive transferred-In filters will not be visible in the Time management category when you access Hyperfind conditions in the Hyperfind Editor
- Transferred into Jobs "AND" Labor Categories (exclusive) — The All Home and Transferred-in Hyperfind will not be visible. Additionally, the Inclusive transferred-In filters will not be visible in the Time Management category when you access Hyperfind conditions in the Hyperfind Editor.
- ALL — Both the All home and transferred in AND the All Home and Transferred-in to both labor category and location Hyperfinds will be visible. Both the Exclusive AND Inclusive Transferred-In filters will be visible in the Time Management category when you access Hyperfind conditions in the Hyperfind Editor.
global.zoomcontrol.enabled — When true is selected, users will be allowed to use zoom control feature.