Break rules are used when employees punch for any type of break or meal. They specify when a punch qualifies as a break and how the punch rounds.
Use the Break Rules page (Administration > Application Setup > Pay Policies > Work Rule Building Blocks > Breaks) and the following information to specify break rules.

- Normal Length — The established length of the break.
- If the normal length is not exceeded, the system uses the Short round and grace rules to round the punches for a break that is shorter than the defined length.
- If the normal length is exceeded, but is less than the Maximum Limit, the system uses the Long round and grace rules to round the punches for the long break.
- If the normal length and the Maximum Limit are exceeded, the system can no longer interpret the punch time with the defined break rule.
- Medium Length — The amount of time between the normal length of the break and the maximum length that an employee can punch out and still have the next punch recognized as the return in-punch from that break.
- Max Length — The maximum amount of time during which an employee can punch out and still have the next punch recognized as the return in-punch from that break.
- This option enables the system to differentiate between an in-punch that is a return from this break and an in-punch from a longer break in another break rule. If there is no longer break, the system considers it an in-punch for a new shift.
- Actual punches are compared to this amount. The default value is 0:30. If employees link to a schedule and they punch in after this time, the end margin interprets the punch as an out-punch and a missed in-punch exception appears on the timecard.

Note: While break rounding is determined by the round and grace values in this break configuration, break placement within a worked shift is determined by the round and grace values specified on the Unscheduled tab in the Punch Round Rule configuration. For more information, see Break Placement.
- Use Unscheduled Punch Rounding — Select to use unscheduled transfer punch rounding instead of interval rounding for break punches.
- When selected, rounds and graces for Short Break, Medium Break, and Long Break are unavailable.
- The default settings are 0:00 for graces, and 0:01 for rounds.
- Short Break — Specify a round and grace for short breaks, which are less than Normal Length breaks.
- Medium Break — Specify a round and grace for medium breaks, which are longer than Normal Length breaks, but shorter than Long Length breaks.
- Round and grace are not available for this break if you specify a Normal Length break length.
- Long Break — Specify a round and grace for long breaks, which are longer than Medium Length breaks, but shorter than Max Length breaks.

Break Starts
- At or After — Select this option to define a range of time that applies to this break rule. This option is used with the Before and Relative to options. At or After identifies the beginning of the range. Use these options when you assign several break rules to an employee, such as lunch and dinner rules. These options help to ensure that the appropriate break applies at the appropriate time. Actual punches are compared to the Start time. If employees punch out before the Start time, their out-punches are not recognized as the start of a break. Their return in-punches (on the same day) are considered the start of a new shift. The default is 0:00.
- Before — This option is used with the At or After and Relative to options. The Before setting identifies the end of the valid interval for this break rule. Use this option when break rules only apply to a portion of the day instead of the entire day. Actual punches are compared to the Before setting. It is necessary for the out-punch to occur before this setting to qualify for the break rule. The default is 0:00.
- Relative to — Select 12 Midnight, Scheduled Start, or Actual Start. This option determines how the Break Starts At or After and Before options work. Relative to 12 Midnight sets those options as specific times, while the scheduled and actual starts are variable. The Scheduled Start depends on the employee linking to a schedule, while Actual Start does not. The default is 12 Midnight.
- Paid Amount — Specify this amount if employees receive compensation for their breaks. When employees take a break that is equal to or less than the paid amount, no time is deducted from their timecards. If they take a break that is longer than the paid amount, only the incremental amount of time is deducted from their shifts. For example, if the paid amount is 30 minutes and employees punch out for 25 minutes, no time is deducted from their timecards. If they punch out for 45 minutes, 15 minutes is deducted.
- Short Exception Limit — This exception defines a short time period between an out-punch for a break and a returning in-punch. For example, it is possible to identify employees who take short lunches. This exception identifies this situation on the timecard and on reports. The actual break interval is compared to the Short Exception setting. If the interval is equal to or less than the Short Exception setting, the exception appears. The default setting is 0:00, which disables this exception.
- Long Exception Limit — This exception defines a long time period between an out-punch for a break and a returning in-punch. For example, it is possible to identify employees who take long lunches. This exception identifies that situation on the timecard and on reports. The actual break interval is compared to the Long Exception setting. If the interval is equal to or greater than the Long Exception, the exception appears on timecards and reports. The default setting is 24:00, which disables this exception.

You can choose to hide shift breaks where shift segments are displayed to employees:
- My Schedule tile (shift information)
- My Timecard page (shift information in the Schedule column)
- My Calendar page (shift information on the Events and Requests tabs)
- Cover, open, self-schedule, and swap shift requests (shift information)
When you hide breaks from the employee's display, the displayed shift retains its original length, but the end of the first shift segment or the start of the second shift segment is increased by the duration of the break configured for the shift. For example, given a shift comprised of regular and transfer segments with a 30-minute break such as this:
- 7:00am-12:00pm Regular
- 12:00pm-12:30pm Break
- 12:30pm-5:00pm Transfer
The adjusted segments displayed to the employee will be either this:
- 7:00am-12:30pm Regular
- 12:30pm-5:00pm Transfer
or this:
- 7:00am-12:00pm Regular
- 12:00pm-5:00pm Transfer
This behavior also applies to shifts that are comprised of two transfer segments, each of which has different properties.
When the original shift has two regular segments and a break, the resulting shift is displayed as a single regular segment.
Settings to hide breaks
You use two settings to hide breaks from the employee's display:
- The Hide Shift Breaks Access Control Profile (ACP). If set to Allowed, shift breaks are hidden from the employee's view wherever shift information is displayed. See Employee ACPs for more information.
- The global.hiddenBreaks.transferSegmentBehaviour system setting determines which segment will be extended to account for the break's duration. See Global Values System Settings for more information.
Note: These settings do not affect the display of breaks in areas of the application accessible to managers and administrators, such as the Schedule Planner. They affect only the employee's display.