Global Time Off Requests (GTOR) Validation Rules

Note: This business process is an extension model that is developed outside the normal release schedule to meet specific client needs. To request one of these models, you must submit a Salesforce Service Request to ADP. After the model is delivered to your tenant, you can edit it to meet your needs.

This Business Process Extension provides you with more options to validate whether Time-off Requests are in accordance with local regulations; minimum and maximum taking limits that apply to the entire request; and restrictions on combining certain absences in one contiguous period.

Global Time Off Request (GTOR) Validation considers the following rules:

  • Clubbing Rules: Restrictions on combining certain absences
    • Some leave types cannot be combined; that is, they cannot be clubbed together. For example: Sick Leave cannot be taken contiguously with Casual Leave.
    • A configurable parameter can disallow any absence request clubbed with a non-working day.
    • Clubbing rules are configured to use either basic or advanced rules.

      Basic clubbing rule:

      • Validation is based only on paycode type, such as Sick or Casual Leave.
      • Symbolic duration checks cannot be edited.

      Advanced clubbing rule:

      • Validation is defined for each paycode and combination of symbolic duration.

      For example, the following paycodes should not be clubbed together:

      Casual Leave First Half Day

      Sick Second Half Day

    • Clubbing paycodes can be maintained at the location level.
  • Minimum and maximum Taking Limits validation for the entire request
    • Some absence requests have a minimum taking of more than 1 day, while other requests have a maximum taking. For example, Personal Leave cannot be taken for a contiguous period which is shorter than 3 days.
    • These limits cannot be enforced for the contiguous period because the Accrual Policy taking limits are only being validated for each day taken.
    • This rule, however, can be relaxed with a configurable parameter that allows non-working days as an interruption, thereby allowing the request. By using the configurable parameter, non-working days which occur within the leave request range are considered as an interruption, and the request is allowed.
    • Taking limits can be validated using:
      • Employee's location
      • Employee's accrual profile
      • Employee's location and accrual profile​​
  • Enhanced Duplicate Request Validation: Restricts duplicate time-off requests for the same day.
    • First Half Day Vacation and Second Half Day Personal Leave is allowed.
  • Mandatory Paycode Comment Validation: Validates the existence of a comment before time-off request submission.

    • Some time-off requests are configured to require the addition of a comment.

    • This validation workflow prevents submission of a GTOR by checking whether the paycode requires a comment. It then checks the appropriateness of the comment selection. When no comment or an incorrect comment is attached to the paycode in the GTOR, the system displays an error message and prevents the GTOR submission.

  • Prioritized Overlapping Requests: Allows the new request to potentially override an existing request, depending on the priority setting defined in the decision table.

  • Hours Overlapping Validation: When an hourly time-off request is submitted, the system performs overlapping validation. If there is an overlap with an existing request, the submission is prevented.

  • Virtual Accrual Balance Deduction:  Upon submitting a global time-off request (GTOR), a placeholder paycode is added. This action temporarily adjusts the accrual balance while the request is in the pending state. Employees are prevented from submitting subsequent GTORs that would exceed the accrual's remaining balance. Upon GTOR approval, the temporary deduction is reversed.