View audit data

The Audit add-on enables you to track changes to the schedule and employee availability. You can also track the outcomes of calls made to employees when assigning open shifts with the Call List.

If the system has employee group filtering enabled, the data shown is filtered by your employee group even when you have an entire location selected.

To access audit data:

  1. Select the configured Audit tab at the bottom of the schedule.
  2. In Audit, select either Schedule, Availability, or Call List.

The rows of the table represent transactions, which are alterations in the database. The columns represent the recorded characteristics of the transactions. The top row (header) of the table identifies the columns.

  • The Audit Availability add-on tracks changes to employee availability: adding, editing, or deleting availability of employees in the loaded schedule time frame and location. For more information, see Transaction characteristics for schedule audit.
  • The Audit Schedule add-on tracks adding, editing and deleting entities such as shifts and pay codes of employees in the loaded schedule time frame and location. For more information, see Transaction characteristics for availability audit.
  • The Audit Call Log add-on tracks the outcome of each call made to employees when assigning open shifts from the Call List and includes important information such as the date and time the employee was notified about the shift. The Call Log Audit provides a comprehensive audit record to track that the proper steps were adhered to — such as proof of regulatory compliance and fairness in Scheduling practices — when filling open shifts. For more information, see Transaction characteristics for Call Log audit.

Depending on which data you are viewing, the table columns (characteristics) you can include in the table are different.

Note: Data is not displayed on the tab when more than 1000 employees are in the loaded schedule or when the loaded timeframe exceeds 90 days.