Configure Time Zones for Business Structure Export

The Business Structure Export integration must include the time zone for locations that are mapped to Institutions in TeleStaff.

Note: Define the default time zone for all locations in Main Menu  > Administration > Application Setup > System Configuration > Time Zones.

To include the time zone for the integration, do one of the following:

  • Only if the organization does not use Institution Focus, or it does but operates in only one time zone, do the following:
    1. Do not set the time zone in the business structure.
    2. Configure the _DefaultTimeZone process property for the Business Structure Export integration; see Configure the TeleStaff Business Structure Export Integration.
    3. Do not configure the BusinessStructureExport-v1_TimeZone cross-reference table.
  • Only if the organization uses Institution Focus and operates across multiple time zones, do the following:
    1. Activate and display the Time Zone selector as follows:

      Select Main Menu  > Administration > Application Setup > System Configuration > System Settings > the Business Structure tab.

      Edit the site.BusinessStructure.DisplayTimeZoneField setting:

      • True = Display the Time Zone selector when you edit a location.
      • False (default) = Do not display the Time Zone selector.

      Click Tap Save.

    2. Specify the time zone for locations that are mapped to the Institutions; see Locations.
    3. Return to the Integration Template Designer for this integration.
    4. Do not configure the _DefaultTimeZone process property.
    5. Configure the BusinessStructureExport-v1_TimeZone cross-reference table to map time zones between the systems as follows:

      Select Override.

      Enter the time zones to map from Dimensions to TeleStaff Institutions.

      Column headers: WFD TimeZone,WFTS TimeZone