Configure Work Unit Hyperfinds

Work unit Work units (WU) define departments, work groups, and combine business structure nodes or jobs into single entities for productivity analysis. All Healthcare Productivity reports require work units. hyperfinds A search engine that filters and selects groups of employees through queries that specify conditions or locations (criteria). are custom hyperfind queries that improve system performance by grouping work units so that reports can be run only for the appropriate employees.

Note: To audit work unit hyperfinds, see the Audit Report topic.

  1. Before you start:

    For the Function Access Profile (FAP), set Manager—System Configuration > Application Setup > KPI Key Performance Indicator measures the result of an activity in an organization so that you can compare it to operational or strategic goals and attempt to improve performance. Builder > Healthcare Productivity Healthcare Productivity allows managers to analyze payroll, volume, and daily labor data so that they can make informed budget and schedule decisions based on metrics for the actual volume, the core scheduling plan, and staffing decisions. Previously, Healthcare Productivity (HCP) was called Healthcare Analytics (HCA). to Allowed in Access Scope to give access to Work Unit Hyperfinds. See Configure Access to Healthcare Productivity

    Note: See Hyperfind Queries for detailed instructions for all other options.

  2. Select Main Menu  > Administration > Application Setup > KPI Builder > Healthcare ProductivityWork Unit Hyperfind.
  3.  Create, edit, or delete hyperfinds:
    • Create

      Click Tap Add .

      Enter a unique and descriptive Name. The name must be unique, cannot be longer than 100 characters, or contain any of the following characters: /|*():;#%^?[]=&

      Caution: You cannot change the name of a hyperfind once you save it.

      Note: Lists of hyperfinds — such as when you run reports — show hyperfind names from left to right. Long names can be cut-off, and to see each full name, you must hover the cursor over each name. If many names start the same, it can be hard to find the right hyperfind.

    • Edit

      Select a work unit hyperfind and click tap Edit .

      Note: You can edit only CUSTOM type hyperfinds, not STANDARD.

      In Save Changes to, select one of the following:

      • Save changes everywhere that the named entity is used — Save the changes to all current versions of this work unit hyperfind.
      • Save as a new named entity — Save the changes as a new work unit hyperfind.
    • Delete

      You cannot delete a work unit hyperfind in the following circumstances:

      Caution: If you delete a work unit hyperfind that is used by a report, the report fails. Check that the hyperfind is not being used before you delete it.

      Select a work unit hyperfind and click tap Delete .

      Click Tap Yes to confirm.

  4. (Optional) Enter a Description.
  5. In Work Units:
    1. If you don't see the work unit, scroll down the table or click Filter  to narrow the search.
    2. Select the work unit.
    3. (Optional) To select multiple, neighboring work units, press Shift while you select the items.
    4. Click Tap Assign .
    5. Repeat to select more work units.

      Note: Performance slows as the number of work units in a hyperfind increases.

  6. Click Tap Save.
  7. Repeat for another work unit hyperfind.
  8. Group work unit hyperfinds into profiles to assign to people; see Configure Work Unit Hyperfind Profiles.