License Profiles

The License Profiles page displays the types of licenses across the top. It defines WFM licenses, including Timekeeping, Attendance and Leave, Scheduling, and Analytics as well as manager and employee licenses.

  1. Select License from the Standard Profiles landing page and click tap Manage Profiles .
  2. You can edit the existing profiles, create new ones, or export the page to an Excel .csv file.
    • To create a License Profile, click Add .
    • To edit a License Profile, select a profile from the list and click Edit .
      • To select more than one profile, hold down the Ctrl key while selecting profiles.
      • To select the maximum number of profiles (100 rows), click Select Maximum . To clear all selections, click Unselect All .
    • To export the list page to an Excel .csv file, click Export , then select the .csv link at the bottom of the page.
  3. To change the license headings, click tap and select or clear the listed options.
  4. If you select Add or Edit , the License Profile edit page opens where you can add or edit the following attributes:
    • Select No Change if you do not want the profile to overwrite the previous value when the profile is applied to an updated employee. If you select No Change and the profile is assigned to a new employee, the default value for the field is assigned, which is usually nothing, or blank, depending on the existing behaviors.
    • Select Unassign to remove or end date an existing value. This is typically used for employee job changes, leave cases, or terminations. If you select Unassign for a new employee, the employee is assigned default values.
  5. When finished, click tap Save.

    Caution: You can click tap to remove your edits only if you have not saved the entry. After you save the entry, you can change the status to Inactive but you cannot delete the entry.

Package dependencies

  • The following packages require that the end user is also assigned the Hourly Timekeeping or Salaried Timekeeping package license:
    • All Schedule packages
    • Accruals, Accruals & Leave, and Absence Management packages
    • Communications
  • A user may be assigned the Hourly Timekeeping package license or the Salaried Timekeeping package license, but not both at once.
  • A user may be assigned only one Scheduling package license.
  • A user may be assigned only one license for either the Accruals, Accruals & Leave, or Absence packages.