Timecard Sign-off Validation

Note: This business process An organized flow of activities or tasks that achieves a business goal. An automated business process minimizes the amount of paperwork and manual tasks to complete that process by way of automatic actions, online forms, and automatically generated messages. is an extension model that is developed outside the normal release schedule to meet specific customer needs. To request one of these models, you must submit a Salesforce Service Request to UKG. After the model is delivered to your tenant, you can edit it to meet your needs.

The Timecard Sign-off Validation attestation The act of confirming or attesting that something is true. For example, when punching out, users may need to attest that they took their meal breaks. process offers granular control over timecard sign-off by a manager.

Manager access to an employee’s timecard depends on the employee group assignment. When the employee works for a manager at least one day during the selected time period, the manager has access to all days in the time period.

When you enable the Timecard Sign-off Validation function and the employee works on different contracts or has multiple primary locations and jobs that are not part of the manager’s employee group, the manager is prevented from timecard sign-off. This function is initiated by linking the attestation process to the manager timecard sign-off button.