Attendance discipline level policies

Discipline policies detect when an employee incurs attendance events, patterns, combined events, or lost time events. When one of these events occurs, the system can do one of the following:

  • Assigns points
  • Collect time
  • Invoke an action
  • Trigger a notification or an alert
  • Move the employee to a different discipline level or rule group

Discipline policies can also reset or adjust a balance at the end of a fixed period, for all employees who are participants in the policy on that last day of the period.

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Define the policy

  1. Select Administration > Application Setup > Attendance Setup > Attendance Policies.
  2. Select New > Discipline and click Next.
  3. Enter the Policy Name.
  4. Select the Tracking period as Fixed or Rolling. Then select the specific tracking period (previously defined in Attendance Setup > Tracking Periods). Selecting Fixed disables the option to extend tracking periods in Policy Processing Exemptions.
  5. Select a Discipline level.
  6. On the General tab complete the following:
    1. (Optional) Enter a Policy Description and Attendance Detail label.
    2. Specify a Reference Start Date, which determines when the tracking period starts. Selections are previously defined. For Specific Date, use the calendar widget to select the date.
    3. In Main Balance select a balance type from Points & Occurrences or Time. (After you save the policy, the Main Balance field is read-only.) See Balance Types for more informaiton.
    4. In Policy Processing Exemptions, select Extends tracking periods if you also selected a Rolling tracking period. See Tracking Periods for more information.
    5. (Optional) Select a Combined Event that can be excluded. See Combined events for more information.
    6. Click Save.
  7. On the Incident Rules tab complete the following:.

    A response can be an assignment of points, an action, or a move to a discipline level. See Attendance Actions and Discipline Levels for more information.

    When you define an incident rule, you must have at least one response to an attendance event, attendance pattern, combined event, or lost time event.

    If you add events that track the same paycode edit but are used as different metrics for tracking, the system counts the paycode edit multiple times.

    1. In Event/Pattern select an attendance event, attendance pattern, combined event, or lost time event that will be incorporated into the discipline policy. See Attendance Events, Attendance Patterns, Combined events, and Lost Time Events for more information.
    2. In Number of Free Incidents enter the number of incidents for the selected event or pattern that an employee can incur without being penalized. If you selected an attendance pattern that is based on a threshold amount in a tracking period, the number is determined by the threshold.
    3. In Points/Hours enter the number of points or hours to grant when the selected event/pattern occurs.
    4. In Action select an action to take when the selected event or pattern occurs. See Attendance Actions for more information.
    5. In Move Employee to Discipline Level select a discipline level to move the employee to when the event or pattern occurs. See Discipline Levels for more information.

      Following the move to another discipline level, you can select the option Proceed After Discipline Level Change. When selected, the processor continues to process all remaining rules and policies of the original discipline level. Otherwise, processing for the day ends with the level move.

    6. Select a Balance Modification from the drop-down and enter an amount.
    7. In Balance Types select the Balance Type from the list. When you save the policy, the Main Balance type appears on the rule row. See Balance Types for more information.
    8. In Expiration Period, select an Expiration Period. This selection is available after you select a balance type that can expire. If you select None, the balance does not expire. See Balance Types for more information.
    9. In Extends Expiration Period select a Combined Event that extends the expiration period. This selection is available after you select an Expiration Period from the Expiration Period drop-down menu. If you select None, the expiration is not extended. See Combined events for more information.
    10. (Optional)In Alert select an alert to send when the policy rule is triggered. See Generic notifications for information on creating notifications and alerts.
  8. On the Incident Number Rules Tab complete the following:
    1. In Event/Pattern select an attendance event, attendance pattern, combined event, or lost time event that will be incorporated into the discipline policy. See Attendance Events, Attendance Patterns, Combined events, and Lost Time Events for more information.
    2. Enter an Incident Number.
    3. In Points/Hours enter the number of points or hours to grant when the selected event/pattern occurs.
    4. In Action select an action to take when the selected event or pattern occurs. See Attendance Actions for more information.
    5. In Move Employee to Discipline Level select a discipline level to move the employee to when the event or pattern occurs. See Discipline Levels for more information.

      Following the move to another discipline level, you can select the option Proceed After Discipline Level Change. When selected, the processor continues to process all remaining rules and policies of the original discipline level. Otherwise, processing for the day ends with the level move.

    6. Select a Balance Modification from the drop-down and enter an amount.
    7. In Balance Types select the Balance Type from the list. When you save the policy, the Main Balance type appears on the rule row. See Balance Types for more information.
    8. In Expiration Period, select an Expiration Period. This selection is available after you select a balance type that can expire. If you select None, the balance does not expire. See Balance Types for more information.
    9. In Extends Expiration Period select a Combined Event that extends the expiration period. This selection is available after you select an Expiration Period from the Expiration Period drop-down menu. If you select None, the expiration is not extended. See Combined events for more information.
    10. (Optional)In Alert select an alert to send when the policy rule is triggered. See Generic notifications for information on creating notifications and alerts.
  9. On the Time Collection Tab complete the following:

    Apply the same conditions to incidents that exceed the number of free incidents.

    1. Select a Contributing event from the drop-down. See Attendance Events and Lost Time Events for more information.
    2. Enter the Number of Free Incident. This defines the number of times that the event can occur before it starts to be counted.
    3. Select a Scheduled Time Balance from the drop-down. See Balance Types for more information.
    4. Select a Worked Time Balance from the drop-down. See Balance Types for more information.
    5. Select a Lost Time Balance from the drop-down. See Balance Types for more information.
  10. Click Save to save the data and remain on the current page, or Save & Return to save the current data and return to the previous page.

Note: If completing the attendance configuration sequence, the next configuration step is to configure Attendance Profiles.