Staffing Matrix

The staffing matrix maps volume ranges to staffing requirements for each job or each location.

Volume is the value that drives staffing requirements; the staffing matrix defines the relationship between volume and staffing.

Volumes can be weighted to transform the volume. With a weighted volume, the Workload Generator uses and adjusted volume value to generate workload. This enables the use of the same staffing matrix in different locations, where the staffing impact of volume may differ in a predictable way.

  1. From the Main Menu, select Administration > Application Setup > Staffing Setup > Staffing Matrix.
  2. Note: You can adjust the display of existing staffing matrices by entering part of a Name, by selecting Active or Inactive from the Filter menu, or by selecting a Location from the menu.
  3. Click New or select an existing staffing matrix and click Duplicate or Edit.
  4. Enter or modify the Name and, optionally, the Description.
  5. Click Location and do the following:
    • Specify a date to show only locations active as of that date.
    • To select jobs within one of the business structure levels listed, select its check box and select Apply.
    • To list the breakdown of sub-levels within one of the business structure levels listed, click the + to expand the list.
    • If you see the level or job for the schedule you want to load, select the radio button and click OK.
    • Select the jobs of interest
  6. Select a Day Range:
    • All Days the Same — Allows you to specify a single value to represent the volume for all days of the week and holidays as well.
    • All Days Different — Allows you to specify different values for each day of the week and for holidays.
  7. Select an existing staffing matrix and Duplicate or Edit it. (You can also Activate, Deactivate or Delete it.)
  8. Define a Volume Range to apply to all the jobs and all the spans.
  9. Enter a staffing value for each job, each zone or span and each day of the week (or holiday), as applicable. The value represents the number of employees required for the specified volume range, job, and day of week (or holiday) as applicable.
  10. Click Add Volume Range or Remove Volume Range to add or remove as many volume ranges as needed, taking care not to overlap or create gaps between ranges. Repeat step 5 as needed.
  11. Define the ranges so that the highest value of one range equals the lowest value of the next range. For example, define a volume range 0 - 5, and define a second range of 5 - 10 and a third range from 10 - 15. If the volume is exactly equal to the number dividing the adjoining ranges, the Workload Generator uses the lower staffing value.
  12. Click Save & Return.