Run the Priority Scheduling Engine (PSE) as a batch command

  1. From the Main Menu, select Administration > Application Setup > Common Setup > Batch Processing.
  2. Select the Batch Tasks tab.
  3. Click New or select a batch task and click Duplicate or Edit.
  4. You can also:
    • Activate a batch task — Select Inactive from Filter, select the batch task and click Activate.
    • Deactivate a batch task — Select Active from Filter, select the batch task, and click Inactivate.
    • Remove a task — Select a batch task to remove, click Delete, then click Yes to confirm and click Save. Any location or employee that is assigned to this template is not affected.
  5. Enter a Name and (Optional) Enter a Description.
  6. In Sequence Number, enter the order to process the task. If blank, the tasks are processed in the order they are entered.
  7. Select the Action TypePriority Scheduling Engine (PSE) assigns open shifts to employees according to sorting and matching rules..
  8. Leave the Action Name blank.
  9. Select organizational locations for the PSE (Priority Scheduling Engine) assigns open shifts to employees according to sorting and matching rules. by entering parameter strings:
    ParameterDefinitionNotes or examples

    /offset:<number of days>

    Day to start the batch event

    • /offset:-1 is yesterday.
    • /offset:0 is today.
    • /offset:1 is tomorrow.

    /duration:<number of days>

    Day to stop the batch event

    /duration:5 is five days from today.


    Organizational location where the batch event runs

    /organizations:”Organization 1/Location A/Job 2”

    /organizations:”Organization 1/Location A/Job 2”

    /organizations:”Organization 1/Location A/Job 1”,”Organization 1/Location A/Job 2”

    /organizations:”Organization 1/Location A”

    /organizations:”Organization 1/Location A”,”Organization 1/Location B”


    Procedure set Sorts employees, matches employees to an open shift, and assigns employees with the best match. that the Priority Scheduling Engine uses during the batch event

    /procedureset:”Assign Critical Shifts First”

    You can use these parameters in combination.

    Example: /offset:4 /duration:2 /organizations:"Organization/Division 2/Super Store/Shoes Department/Sandals" /PROCEDURESET:"Assign Only"

  10. To add more tasks, click Insert a New Row.
  11. To remove tasks:
    1. Click Delete this Row.
    2. Click Yes to confirm.
  12. Click Save and Return.