Configure minor rules and school calendars

Legally binding scheduling rules and penalties regulate minor employees, who are typically aged 14 to 18. However, minor rules can vary for different ages. You can specify minor rules for employees aged 12 to 17.

Scheduler and the Auto-Scheduler can schedule minor employees according to labor laws in their jurisdiction. You can configure different minor rule sets for each jurisdiction.

Schedule engine treatment of minor rules:

  • Schedule Generation: Hard constraint
  • Priority Scheduling Engine: Optional

To schedule minors without violating Minor Rules, define the following in the People record of each minor employee:

  • Date of birth — Optional or required. If the date of birth indicates that an employee is a minor, assign the employee a minor rule set and school calendar. Otherwise, Scheduler does not assign any shifts to the employee.
  • Association with a minor rule set
  • Association with a school calendar

Note: If the date of birth indicates that an employee is a minor, you must assign the employee a minor rule set and school calendar. Otherwise, Scheduler does not assign any shifts to the employee.