Leave types

The Leave Types page displays the paid and tracking leave types in the system. A leave type is what the system uses to determine how the employee will be paid and how they will be tracked for time associated with a leave of absence case. This is also how Documents and reminders are associated with a leave case.

Use the following methods narrow the number of leave types displayed:

  • To find a specific item — Type a name in the Name search box.
  • To filter items based on status — In the Filter list, select Active, Inactive, or All.

Click Refresh to update the workspace with any new or changed information that has been saved.

Add or Edit Leave Types

Use the Leave Type Editor to add, or edit a leave type.

When you create a leave type, the leave type is automatically assigned a status of Active.

  1. Navigate to Administration > Application Setup > Leave Setup > Leave Types.
  2. Click New, or select the appropriate leave type, and then click Edit.
  3. Select Paid Leave or Tracking Leave from the Group drop-down.
  4. Enter a Leave Type Name and Description.
  5. In the Code field, enter an abbreviation for the leave type, up to six characters.
  6. On the General tab specify information such as accrual and pay codes.
    1. Select an Accrual Code from the drop-down.
    2. Select a Pay Code from the drop-down.
    3. Click Save.
  7. On the Documents tab assign documents to a leave type. You can assign one document, multiple documents, or no documents.
    1. In the Available Documents list, select one or more leave documents and click the right arrow . The leave documents move to the Selected Documents list. You can also use search to find a specific document template:
      • To add a single document template, select a document template from the Available Document Templates list and click Add .
      • To add all document templates from the Available Document Templates list, click Add All .
      • To remove a single document template, select a document template from the Selected Document Templates list and click Remove .
      • To remove all document templates from the Selected Document Templates list, click Remove All .
    2. Click Save.
  8. On the Document Due Dates tab specify due dates for each of the documents that you selected on the Documents tab. Due dates are optional for documents. Repeat the following for each Leave document that you want to specify due dates:
    1. Enter a number that correlates with the selection in the Units column.
    2. Select Days, Weeks, or Months from the Units drop-down.
    3. Designate a parameter for the due date, either Before or After.
    4. Select the date to be used as the reference point for the document due date designation from the Count From Date drop-down.
    5. Enter the number of days to extend the due date.
    6. Click Save.
  9. On the Document Reminders tab enter automatic reminder dates for documents that have due dates designated on the Document Due Dates tab. You can only configure reminders for documents with due dates.
    1. (Optional) Add or delete rows:
      • Click Insert a new row to add a new row directly below the selection row.
      • Click Delete to delete that row.

        Note: You cannot delete a row when there is only one row in the display.

    2. Enter a number that correlates with your selection in the Units Column.
    3. Select Days, Weeks, or Months from the Units drop-down.
    4. Designate a parameter for the reminder, either Before due date or After due date.
    5. Select a Generic Notification from the drop-down. See Generic notifications for configuration information.
    6. Repeat steps a-e for each document with a due date.
    7. Click Save.
  10. On the Subsequent Reminders tab to add attitudinal reminders for documents that have due dates and extended due dates.
    1. (Optional) Add or delete rows:
      • Click Insert a new row to add a new row directly below the selection row.
      • Click Delete to delete that row.

        Note: You cannot delete a row when there is only one row in the display.

    2. Enter a number that correlates with your selection in the Units Column.
    3. Select Days, Weeks, or Months from the Units drop-down.
    4. Designate a parameter for the reminder, either Before due date or After due date.
    5. Select a Generic Notification from the drop-down. See Generic notifications for configuration information.
    6. Repeat steps a-e for each document with a due date.
    7. Click Save.

Activate, inactivate, or delete a leave type

Activate a leave type to make it available for use throughout the Leave application. New leave types are automatically assigned a status of Active. You cannot associate an inactive leave type with a leave case when you are configuring a new leave reason. If you inactivate a leave type that is already associated with an existing leave reason, the leave type continues to work in that existing leave reason.

  1. Navigate to Administration > Application Setup > Leave Setup > Leave Types.
  2. Select one or more Leave Type.
  3. Complete one of the following:
    • Click Activate .
    • Click Inactivate.
    • Click Delete and click OK in the confirmation box.

      Note: You cannot delete a leave type that has been used within a leave reason. Instead, mark the leave type inactive.