Configure Analytics Adjustment Options (Net Down)

Analytics Net Down Overtime (Analytics Adjustment Options) uses a two-paycode approach to track and pay overtime.

Example: Add an overtime (OT) adjustment of half of (0.5x) or the full (Reg) (1.0x) base pay rate.

Without such adjustments, hours and costs map to regular and overtime paycodes, and the amounts can be incorrect if these paycodes overlap because regular hours and costs are overstated, overtime costs are understated, and productive hours are overstated.

  1. Add Analytics Adjustment Options to the overtime paycode

    1. Select Main Menu  > Administration > Application Setup > Pay Policies > Pay Codes > Pay Code Definition.

      Note: For more information, see the Paycode definition topic.

    2. Select the Daily Overtime paycode and click tap Edit.
    3. Select the General tab.
    4. In the Analytics Adjustment Options section, select Adjust (net) hours and cost for overtime pay code. The adjustment is defined in the overtime paycode.
    5. Click Tap Save & Return.
  2. Map the paycode to the mapping categories

    1. Select Main Menu  > Administration > Application Setup > KPI Builder > Mapping Category Definition.

      Note: For more information, see the Mapping categories and Edit a mapping category topics.

    2. Find and select the Regular mapping category and click tap Edit.
    3. In Mapping Category Type, find and select the SYSNDREG paycode.

      Note: Click Tap Filter to search for the paycode.

    4. Click Tap Assign .
    5. Find and select the Overtime mapping category and click tap Edit.
    6. In Mapping Category Type, find and select the SYSNDOT paycode.
    7. Click Tap Assign .
    8. Find and select the Productive mapping category and click tap Edit.
    9. In Mapping Category Type, find and select the SYSNDREG and SYSNDOT paycodes.
    10. Click Tap Assign .

Caution: For accurate computations of older, historical data, contact UKG to run a data seed.