Display Profiles

Use Display Profiles to configure and assign display preferences. Display Profiles can be based on a job, department, or geographical location. Specify one profile as the default profile, which is assigned to new user accounts.

To create or edit Display Profiles:

  1. From the Main Menu, navigate to Administration > Application Setup > Display Preferences > Display Profiles.
  2. Click Tap Create to create a Display Profile or select a profile and click tap Edit
  3. Enter or change the Name and Description.
  4. If you are editing a profile, in the Save changes to field, indicate if the changes should replace the current display profile or create a new one based on the current settings.
  5. In the Default Profile field, select True if this is the profile to be assigned by default to new user accounts. Otherwise, select False.
  6. Select or enter display options from the following fields:
    • Home Page Profile — Select the home page profile from the drop-down list.
    • Duration Format — Specifies how time amounts appear in the timecard. This setting applies to all paycode edits and accruals configured as hours.
    • Select minutes format (HH:mm) or decimal format (HH.hh).
    • Note: This setting can also be used to display Indicator values on the Metrics tab. See Indicators for more information.
    • Shift Labels — Select one of the following:
    • Display shift start and stop times
    • Display shift labels
    • Select Locations — To prevent managers from accessing employees not in their employee group, specify whether to allow users with this profile access to Location queries (Allowed) or no access to Location queries (Disallowed).

      When Select Locations access is restricted (Disallowed), Location selections are removed from the Locations & Hyperfinds menu and users can only use Hyperfinds.

      • This restriction applies throughout the system, including Schedule Planner, Timecard, Attendance & Leave, Overtime Group Approvals and Hours Allocation, and people-based or location-based Dataviews and Reports. When these workspaces are configured to open by default with All Home Locations, they open with All Home loaded instead for users with restricted access.
      • Users with restricted access do not see data in the Workload Planner, Forecast Planner, Staffing Dashboard, Operation Dashboard, or Scheduling add-ons in the Schedule Planner that require location-based information — Target Hours, Coverage, Daily Coverage, Indicators, and Metrics.
    • Select Locations — Specify whether to allow users with this profile access to Locations (Allowed) or restricted access to Locations (Disallowed).

      When Location access is restricted (Disallowed), Location selections are removed from the Locations & Hyperfinds menu and only Hyperfinds display for selection in the following workspaces: Schedule Planner, Timecard Landing Page, Attendance & Leave, Group Edits, and Hours Allocation. Users with restricted access to locations will not see data in the Workload Planner or in Location-based Dataviews and Reports.

    • Select the applicable profile from each of the following drop-down lists:
    • Hyperfind Query Profile
    • Work Unit Hyperfind Profile (Only for Healthcare Analytics)
    • Dataview Profile
    • Control Center Profile
    • Timekeeping Alert Profile
    • People Information Profiles
    • Schedule Planner Profile
    • Configure schedule periods
    • Workload Planner Profile
    • Forecast Planner Profile
    • Calendar Profile
    • Employee Transfer Display Profile
    • Manager Transfer Display Profile
    • Exception Tile (Manage Timecards Tile)
  7. In Timecard Settings, do the following:
    • Select the type of timecard:

      Note: For information about configuring timecards, see Timecard Settings.

      • Employee, Hourly View
      • Employee, Project View
      • Manager, Hourly View
      • Manager, Project View
    • Select the timecard menu items for the Main menu and the loaded timeframe for the Employee Summary page and the Employee Timecards page:
      • Timecard Menu Selection — Select the options that appear under Main menu > Time. Select Employee Summary, Timecards, or Both.
      • Employee Summary Timeframe — Select the loaded timeframe for the Employee Summary page.
      • Manager Timecards Timeframe — Select the loaded timeframe for the Employee Timecards page.
    • Select the following default settings for Employee Search:

      • Employee Search Timeframe — Select another time period to show by default.

        Note: If you don't select a time period, the default timeframe that is shown is Today.

      • Employee Search Status — Select the status of employees to make available for search by default:

        Active Employees — Select to limit searches to only active employees.

        All Employees

  8. In Employee Information Glance Settings, select Employee Glance Settings for the timecard and Dataviews (including the Employee Summary page).
  9. Click Tap Save.

You assign a Display Profile to each employee in People Information > Employee > Access Profiles.