Process Models setup page


To access the Process Models setup page, your Function Access Profile must have the Process Models function access control point set to "Allowed." To do this:

  1. Select Administration > Application Setup from the Main Menu
  2. Select Access Profiles > Function Access Profiles.
  3. Expand Manager -Common Setup, and select any of the following and set them to "Allowed":
    • Process Models
    • Deploy Process Models
    • Create New  Process Models
  4. Click Save and Return.

Business Process Models are design templates or graphical representations of Business Processes. The Business Process Models setup page lists all of the default models as well as any custom models that have been created for your organization. From the Process Models setup page, you can interact with Workflow Designer to create, edit, and deploy Process Models.

After a Process Model is deployed, the Business Process, which is the executable form of the Business Process Model, is created. You can deploy a Business Process Model multiple times to create multiple Business Processes.