Accrual codes

Accrual codes collect and hold the different accrual balances, such as the total number of hours, days, or money. These codes identify the types of accrual balances, such as vacation, sick, or uniforms.

From the Main Menu, select Administration > Application Setup > Accruals > Accrual Codes. When you create, edit or duplicate accrual codes, use the following fields:

  • Name — The accrual code name. Required, case-insensitive, must be unique among accrual codes.
  • Abbreviation — An abbreviated name for the accrual code, used for reports and device displays. Use up to three characters.
  • Accrual Type — How the code accrues: Day, Hours, or Money. The default is Hours.
  • Hours/Days — For the accrual type of Days, enter the number of hours that constitute a day in hh:mm format. This field is not editable if you selected Hours or Money.
  • Allow Manual Edits — Allows edits of this accrual code using Group Edits. It is selected by default. This option does not affect the Pay Out option in Group Edits, which allows the transfer of hours from an accrual code to a paycode.
  • Display code on Totals & Schedule tab in the Timecard editor — Allows the display of the balance of this accrual code in the Totals in the Timecard Editor. An accrual policy with this code must be included in the employee’s accrual profile and View Accruals and Totals in the Timecard Editor must be allowed. Applies to classic only.
  • Reporting Period — Specifies the display period start and stop dates for the accrual code, using the selected date pattern.