Configure multiple assignments
You can configure up to 20 active assignments per employee. Assignments are unique to an employee, so even if two or more employees have assignments with the same name this does not mean that the details of the assignment are the same.
For more information on multiple assignments, see Multiple Assignments.

The feature switch for Multiple Assignments must be enabled before you can configure assignments. Once the feature switch is enabled, the following function access control points (FACPs) must be set to Allowed:
- Manager - Common Setup > People Editor > Assignments Group
- Manager - Common Setup > People Editor > Assignments Group > Assignments - General View
If you need to edit the name and external ID for single and multiple assignment employees, then set the following system setting to true:

- Go to Maintenance > People Information.
- Select an employee and then select Assignments > Multiple Assignments.
- For every assignment an employee has, summary information for the assignment is shown. The first assignment in the list is the default, or primary, assignment. The default assignment is used when an assignment has not been explicitly selected or scheduled.
- Note: In timekeeping areas of the system, the default assignment is the assignment that is ranked number 1 (the assignment that is in the first position). In scheduling areas, the default assignment is the highest ranked assignment the logged in manager has access to through their organization set in their Employee Group, based on the selected location.
- Select Add
to add a new assignment, or select Edit to edit an existing assignment. Assignments can be edited when an employee has more than one assignment. You can also: - Rearrange
— Rearrange the assignment order. The assignment that is in the first position is considered the default, or primary, assignment. The default assignment is used when an assignment has not been explicitly selected or scheduled. Assignment order can be effective-dated. - View By — Select to view Active or Inactive and Terminated assignments.
- As Of — Select the date you want to view assignments as of.
- Rearrange
- In the Add Assignment or Edit Assignment window, add or edit the necessary information. For more details, see the related topics:
- Select Save.

An employee's default base wage and base work rule can be set at the assignment level, that is, there can be a different default base wage and base work rule for each assignment. The default base wage and base work rule are used when the employee works the primary job for the assignment (or any job transfer for the assignment, unless otherwise overridden).
Note: Specifying a default base wage and base work rule for an assignment is not required. If they are not specified for an assignment, then the existing base wage and the default work rule from the assigned Pay Rule are used.
Wage and work rule overrides can be configured for any job transfer an employee works for the assignment. The locations and jobs available for override are those included in the job transfer set (including Manager Additions) defined for the assignment.
To set the default base wage and base work rule for an assignment or override wage and work rules:
- Go to Maintenance > People Information.
- Select an employee and then select Assignments > Multiple Assignments.
- Find the assignment and then do one of the following:
- Select more actions
> Go to Wage & Work Rules. - Select Edit
and then click Timekeeper > Override Wage & Work Rules.
- Select more actions
- Select or specify the effective date.
- For default base wage and work rule, enter the Base Wage and select the Work Rule. Currency for wage is the assigned currency in the employee's person record.
- To override wage and work rules, enter override values in the Wage and Work Rule columns.
- The list includes all locations and jobs available for the selected or specified effective date that are in the employee's Job Transfer Set (including Manager Additions). If a period or date in the past is selected, changes may generate historical corrections.
- Override values only shows the locations and jobs that have wage or work rule overrides.
- For more information on wage and work rule overrides, see Override Wage and Work Rules.
- Click Save.

When you edit an assignment, all effective-dated person record attributes in the assignment configuration show current and future information for the attribute. Past information (the audit history) can be viewed using the History link that is available for all effective-dated attributes.
Effective-dated attributes include:
- Assignment Location Job
- Assignment Status
- Job Transfer Set
- Pay from Schedule (PFS)
- Group Assignment
- Schedule Group
To view assignment history:
- Go to Maintenance > People Information.
- Select an employee and then select Assignments > Multiple Assignments.
- Find the assignment and then select Edit
. - Find the attribute you want to view history for and click tap the History link.

- Go to Maintenance > People Information.
- Select the employee and then select Assignments > Multiple Assignments.
- If necessary, select an option for View By (Active or Inactive and Terminated), and select an As Of date.
- Select Edit
for the assignment. - In the Edit Assignment window, select General.
- Under Assignment Status, add a row, select the status (Active, Inactive, or Terminated) and enter an effective-date.
- Select Save.
- When you terminate an assignment, if there are Employment Terms or Schedule Group Assignments set to expire after the termination date, they are end-dated one day prior to the termination date. For example, if the termination date for an assignment is set for October 28th, then the end-date for any active Employment Terms and Schedule Group Assignments originally expiring on November 30th is set to October 27th.
- If there are Employment Terms or Schedule Group Assignments with a start date that occurs after the assignment termination date, those Employment Terms and Schedule Group Assignments are removed from the assignment.

- Assignment Name — The name of the assignment. This should be a user-friendly name that an employee will recognize when they punch for a shift. The name can be up to 50 characters. Assignment names within an employee's person record must be unique.
- External ID — If an external ID for the employee has been populated via the API, the ID appears here.
- Exempt — A flag to identify the employee as Exempt or Non Exempt.
- Assignment Location Job — Where the assignment is located. The "Location Job" is the combination of a job with its location on the Business Structure.
- Assignment Status — The status of the assignment, Active, Inactive, or Terminated, and the effective date of the status.
- Reports-To Manager — The manager the employee reports-to for this assignment. Notifications and time-off requests for employees that have multiple assignments go to the reports-to manager for the assignment.
- When configuring notifications you can use the timekeeping alert custom tag "Assignment" to include the assignment name in the message.
- Additional Information — These are the same custom fields the employee has in their person record, but the values can be different for each assignment. The text box for custom fields has a character limit of 150.
- Position Code — Enter the employee's position code (used for integration purposes) and the effective dates.
Note: This flag does not have any impact on system functionality.

- Person-Specific Dates — The employee's hire date and seniority date for this assignment.
- Assignment-Specific Dates — Specify and view assignment dates, such as anniversary or enrollment, as customized for your site. The details of the dates, such as default dates, are configured in Accruals setup for an individual employee. To override a given date, select a date in the Override Date column.

- Job Transfer Set — If the employee can work other jobs besides the primary job for the assignment, then they can transfer to any of the jobs in this set when they punch.
- Override Wage & Work Rules — Set the base wage and base work rule for the assignment here as well as override wage and work rules. For more information, see Assignment-based wage and work rules.
- Selected Job Transfer Set — Shows the name of the job transfer set that is currently selected in the Job Transfer Set table. The As of date is the date used to retrieve the contents of the selected job transfer set. Note:
- The employee's primary job always displays in the first row of the table, regardless of whether the primary job is in the Job Transfer Set. This enables you to set job preferences for the primary job without requiring you to add the primary job to the Job Transfer Set.
- It is recommended that the primary job be included in the Job Transfer Set (although it is not required).
- In the Job Attributes table, you can specify the following for jobs in the selected job transfer set:
- Seniority Date — Specify the employee's seniority date for the job.
- Job Preference — Select a preference for each job, where 10 is the highest. The Schedule Assistant uses these preferences for the Can Cover for Selected Job criterion. If multiple employees can work a particular job, the Schedule Assistant and the Schedule Generator use the Shift Job List preference to rank employees.
- Scheduling Context — Select one or more Scheduling Contexts to associate with the job. Schedule generation strategies, matching rules for procedure sets, open shift request subtypes, and self-scheduling request subtypes can be configured to consider only those jobs in the employee's job transfer set that are associated with a specific Scheduling Context.
- Employment Terms — The employment terms for the assignment. Select an employment term and an effective start and end date.
- Pay from Schedule (PFS) —
- Override Pay Rule PFS — Select Yes to override the Pay From Schedule settings configured in the employee's pay rule.
- Pay Edits from Schedule — Select how you want scheduled pay codes edits to be handled, Always or When no manual timecard actions exist.
- Pay Shifts from Schedule — Select Yes to pay the employee according to their scheduled shifts. Pay Shifts from Schedule is canceled when actual events (for example, real punches or timecard edits) exist on the day.
- Apply on Holidays — Select Yes to pay the employee from their schedule on holidays.
- Effective Date — Enter the effective date.

- Group Assignment — Assign the assignment to a schedule group.
- Shift Template Profile — Select the name of the shift template Data Access Profile (DAP) you want to associate with the assignment, if any.