Manage tiles

Tiles provide access to important content about your employees and organization. They can appear on your Home page as a visual representation of a common task that you frequently perform, such as a current schedule, or a timesheet. They can also appear as a visualization of a metric, or other data summary, in the form of a pie chart or graph. You can show or hide tiles depending on what aspect of your business you want to view.

By selecting a tile, you can take action from the Home page, or navigate to the component that it represents for a closer view or to interact with the contents. For example, by selecting the Request Time Off tile, a slider opens on the right of the screen where you enter the details of your time off request and submit it immediately. Selecting a chart opens the Dataview interface where you can view and interact with the data that the chart illustrates. You can drill-down into the chart to focus on a specific aspect of the related Dataview.

Types of tiles

  • Application-specific tiles that represent the tasks that are performed most frequently in an organization, such as
    • Checking a schedule
    • Viewing a timecard
    • Punching in and out
  • Charts that are graphical representations of metrics or key performance indicators (KPIs), based on Dataviews. For more information See Manage Charts.

You can perform the following actions with tiles.