Pipeline Settings
Data Hub pipelines have settings that either determine how data is extracted or drive the metrics available in summary views. For example, pipeline settings control how many days back historical data for a timecard is processed.
During Data Hub implementation, when data structures are deployed for a tenant, default values are populated for the pipeline settings for that tenant. These settings can be changed based on your business needs. When you edit and save changes to the settings, the next time the pipelines run, all summary metrics (except HISTORICALSTARTDATE) recalculate based on the updated pipeline values.
Go to the Pipeline Settings page to see:
- All pipelines for your Data Hub tenant.
- The pipeline setting name and value.
- The date the setting value was last updated. When Data Hub is first implemented, this date reflects the initial Data Hub deployment.
From the Pipeline Settings page, you view and edit pipeline setting values. The values you enter depend on the type of pipeline. Values include numbers, days of the week, text strings, and JSON strings. For example, for the schedule_week_start_day setting of the schedulePost pipeline, the setting value is a day of the week.

There are two capture methods:
- For most pipelines, the data capture method is drop and replace. This method deletes data and then reloads (redelivers) it for a span of time.
- A subset of pipelines are enabled by default for change data capture (CDC), in which the Change Indicator Service (CIS) used by Data Hub manages the CDC process and ensures the data delivery includes only data that has changed since the last extraction request. If the change indicator service becomes unavailable or has connection issues, then the capture method automatically switches to drop and replace until the service is restored.
Caution: Data Hub uses the ADP Workforce Manager CIS with the pipelines enabled for CDC. If you plan to subscribe to an external (non-Data Hub) CIS, you must contact

This section describes the available default pipeline settings.
Pipeline Setting Category | Pipeline Setting Name | Description |
Standard Pipeline Settings | HISTORICALSTARTDATE | Determines the historical date from which pipelines start delivering ADP Workforce Manager data into Data Hub. If this value is blank (null), all pipelines will fail. |
BCK_DAYS | Determines the range of days back from the current date a pipeline drops and replaces data. Not displayed for CDC pipelines with CDC_Enabled set to True. | |
FWD_DAYS | Determines the range of days forward from the current date the pipeline delivers data. Not displayed for CDC pipelines with CDC_Enabled set to True. | |
WEEK_OFFSETS | Determines the range of weeks forward or back the pipeline delivers data. For example, to generate labor forecasts for the next two weeks from the current week, set this to 2. Not displayed for CDC pipelines with CDC_Enabled set to True. | |
Accrual Balances |
Determines the reporting period in which the data is stored. Options are:
Determines the partitionDate used in the tables. Depending on the INTERVAL selected, the partition date is weekly, monthly, or pay period end date. Supported values include: "Weekly-Monday", "Weekly-Tuesday", "Weekly-Wednesday", "Weekly-Thursday", "Weekly-Friday", "Weekly-Saturday", "Weekly-Sunday", "Monthly-Begin", "Monthly-End", and "Pay-Period-End" Note: accrualBalance data can only be stored in one interval and if any changes are made to these settings, an historical reload is required for the change to take effect. |
Change Data Capture | CDC_Enabled |
Determines whether CDC is used when processing data. Note the following:
Linked Category | linked_category_configuration |
Determines how to calculate totals in the following views for clients using linked categories in Forecaster: vVolumeForecast, vActualVolume, vVolumeBudget, vActualVolumeIntra, and vTrafficPatternForecast. Options are:
Multicurrency Exchange Rate Support | multicurrency_support |
When multicurrency is configured in ADP Workforce Manager, this setting controls whether these currency exchange values are stored in the summary dataset. Options are:
Multicurrency Terminated Employee Data | excludeEmployeeTerminatedData |
Determines if terminated employee data displays in the summary dataset for days when the employee has an effective employment status of terminated. Options are:
Note: If the setting is changed, the full historical run of the summary pipeline should be run. |
Schedule Audits | schedule_change_notice_period | The number of hours before a scheduled shift that any changes can be made to a schedule. This is used by the schedule audits metrics to track schedule changes made too soon before the start of a scheduled shift. The default is 24. |
Schedule Posting | schedule_posting_deadline | The number of hours used to calculate the schedule posting deadline time. The default is 80. |
schedule_posting_job_filter | A JSON string value that contains the list of jobs you want to exclude from the schedule posting metrics. If you do not want to calculate postings for managers and above, these job names need to be included in this list. | |
schedule_posting_location_type |
Determines the business structure location type for which schedule postings are tracked. Options include Job, Department, and Site. The default is Job. Note the following, depending on the value you enter:
schedule_week_start_date | A string value that defines which day of week the schedule week starts. This will be used to determine schedule posting timeliness based on the week start date and the schedule posting deadline hours. The default value is Monday, but can be any day of the week. | |
Summary and SummaryIntra | limit_hist_days_in_past |
A numeric value that sets a limit on the number of days your historical data is retained and updated. For example, to maintain a year's worth of historical data, enter 365. By default, 9999 days of data history is retained and updated. Note: Maintaining a smaller amount of historical data reduces the volume of data and the processing time of the pipelines. |

Note the following:
- Changes made to these settings in the Portal will be used for subsequent pipeline executions.
- Pipeline setting values that are changed outside the Portal (by ADP Functional Expert) will be reflected in the Portal.
- There are multiple settings for each pipeline.
- Pipeline setting values cannot be blank. A valid value must be entered before you can apply your changes.

- Go to the Setup > Pipeline Settings page. All available pipelines on the tenant for the project display, along with pipeline setting names, values, and the date the values were last updated.
- Click the Edit icon for the pipeline whose value you want to edit. The Edit Pipeline Settings dialog opens. Only the setting value can be changed.
- Change the setting value as needed, depending on the type of pipeline. To see a description of all the default pipelines and the supported values, see Default pipeline settings.
- Click Apply. The Edit Pipeline Settings dialog closes and the Setting Value column updates with changed value. The next time pipelines run, the summary metrics will recalculate based on the updated setting values.