Job History - Wrappers
The Job History – Wrapper page displays current and historical information about wrapper jobs. From the Job History – Wrapper page, you can stop a running wrapper and resume (restart) a stopped or failed wrapper. When you resume a wrapper, it starts the process at the place it stopped.
Note: Terminated wrappers and pipelines are generally those that have been stopped by
See Alert Management for details about failed wrappers and pipelines.
About wrapper job history. The Job History – Wrapper page shows wrapper-level job information, including:
- The current status of a wrapper job, including which wrappers have jobs that ran successfully, are already running, not running, failed to finish, or are in a warning state. A wrapper will have a warning status when one of the following occurs:
- At least one pipeline completed with the Already Running status and no pipelines failed.
- The wrapper is running but does not have access to the Data Hub project.
- The override profile applied to the wrapper, if any.
- The job duration, state, and end date and time.
To see information about a wrapper, for example, one whose status is Not Running or Failed, click the wrapper name to drill down to the Wrapper Job Details page. See Wrapper Job Details
Note: A wrapper with only one row and a dash in the pipeline column indicates that the wrapper contains one pipeline with the same name.