Business Structure System Settings

Navigate to Administration > Application Setup > System Configuration > System Settings > Business Structure tab.

Key and value details

site.BusinessStructure.JobSortOrderMandatory — Specifies whether Sort Order of Business Structure Job should be mandatory. Values are true or false. Default is true for hierarchical business structure and false for simplified business structure.

site.BusinessStructure.JobSortOrderUnique — Specifies whether Sort Order of Business Structure Job should be unique. Values are true or false. Default is true for hierarchical business structure and false for simplified business structure.

site.BusinessStructure.JobSortOrderNumeric — Specifies whether Sort Order of Business Structure Job should be numeric (true) or alphanumeric (false). Values are true or false. Default is true (numeric).

site.BusinessStructure.LaborCategory.SystemEntryList.MAX_ENTRIES — The maximum number of labor category entries in the system list sent to the client. The default is 1000.

site.BusinessStructure.DisplayLocationJobSearchUI — Specifies if the location and job search options are available in the transfer panel for Business Structure transfers. The default is false.





site.BusinessStructure.OrganizationalSets.limit.pagination — The maximum number of organizational sets that are displayed at a time on the Organizational Sets page; if the number of organizational sets in the system exceeds the limit specified here (n), the page loads the next n organizational sets each time the user scrolls to the end of the list. The default is 1000.

site.BusinessStructure.simplified.maxlocationtypes — The maximum number of location types allowed when using Simplified Business Structure. The value must be a number from 1 to 10.

Note: Although you can enter a value up to 10, using a value greater than 5 should only be done with careful consideration as this may impact performance.
