Attendance System Settings

Navigate to Administration > Application Setup > System Configuration > System Settings > Attendance tab.

The Attendance settings contain settings for Attendance.

Key and value details

site.attendance.timeline.defaultEventMinute — Defines the time, in minutes, for attendance events that do not have a specific time.
Value: required; minimum=0; maximum=59; installed default=59

site.attendance.timeline.defaultProcessorNotificationDateAge — Default attendance processor notification age where we no longer send obsolete notifications. Any positive numeric value will be accepted, otherwise for zero or other inputs, we will send all notifications.

site.attendance.timeline.defaultEventHour — Defines the time, in hours, for attendance events that do not have a specific time.
Value: required; minimum=0; maximum=23; installed default=23

site.attendance.timeline.startDayOfWeek — Defines the first day of the week for week-based tracking periods.

site.attendance.BalanceResetStartDate — Determines whether the balance reset uses the configured balance reset period starting from the specified start date (true) or returns the most recent event (false).