Simplified timekeeping configuration
Simplified timekeeping configuration can be used to make assigning pay codes to premium pay types easier and offers a way to automatically generate Combination Rules and Pay Code Distributions. Automatic generation of Combination Rules and Pay Code Distribution occurs when you create and save a Work Rule with the simplified timekeeping configuration options. These configuration options include:
- Pay As options available in the Zones, Overtimes, and Schedule Deviations configurations.
- Default Pay Code option in the Work Rule configuration.
Note: Support for Rest Between Shifts is planned for a future release.

- Configure Zones, Overtimes, and Schedule Deviations with one of the Pay As options:
- Add to Default Pay Code — Adds the selected Pay Code to the default pay code defined in the work rule.
- For example, the default pay code is Regular. A zone is configured for 3p-11p with the Evening pay code and Add to Default Pay Code for the Pay As option. If an employee works in the evening, they are paid using both paycodes, Regular and Evening.
- Replace Only Default Pay Code — Overrides the default pay code set in the work rule.
- For example, the Overtime Rule has the Overtime pay code selected and the Replace Only Default Pay Code Pay As option selected. If an employee works more than 8 hours in a day they are paid overtime, and only the Overtime pay code is used.
- If the same employee also has the Evening zone set to Add to Default pay code, when they work more than 8 hours in the evening, they are paid Overtime and Evening.
- Pay Only this Pay Code — Overrides the default pay code and no other pay codes apply regardless of any other time worked.
- For example, an employee is paid more to work on a Sunday. The Zone has the Double Time pay code selected, and the Pay Only this Pay Code Pay As option selected. Even if the employee works more than 8 hours on a Sunday or they work in the evening, they are only paid using the Double Time pay code, no other pay codes apply.
- Configure the Work Rule.
- Select the default paycode and the necessary Zones, Overtime Rules, and Schedule Deviations. When you select the default paycode, only those Zones, Overtimes, and Schedule Deviations that have been configured with a Pay As option appear for selection. You can select up to eight items.
- The Default Pay Code determines how the employee is paid when they work regular hours without any zones, overtimes, or schedule deviations.
- Save the Work Rule.
- Upon save, a Combination Rule and Paycode Distribution are generated with the same name as the Work Rule. If the work rule name is already in use for an existing Combination Rule or Pay Code Distribution, then the name is appended with a number. For example, you create a work rule called Hourly but there is already a combination rule with that name so the generated combination rule is called Hourly1.
- The generated Combination Rule is automatically assigned to the Paycode Distribution. The generated Paycode Distribution is automatically assigned to the Work Rule.
- You can edit the generated Combination Rule and Work Rule.
Note: For Overtimes, the supported Reset options include New Shift, New Day, New Week, New Week at Specified Time, New Pay Period, and Date Pattern.
Note: The option to select the default paycode in the Work Rule only appears when initially configuring the work rule. Once the work rule is saved, the default paycode selection list is no longer available.

When the system automatically creates the Combination Rule and the Pay Code Distribution, it uses the following to determine configuration.
Combination Rule
Combination defaults (on the Configure Combinations tab) are created based on common scenarios. Counts Toward Overtime is updated based on common scenarios. For the counts toward overtime defaults:
- The same overtime types count towards each other (for example, Daily and Daily).
- Different overtime types do not count towards each other (for example, Daily and Weekly).
- Zone and Schedule Deviations count towards overtime.
Paycode Distribution
The Paycode Distribution is automatically created based on the Default Pay Code (defined in the Work Rule), the Pay As options (defined in the Zone, Overtime, and Schedule Deviation configurations), and the generated Combination Rule.
When there are premium pay configurations with the same Pay As type, the order of precedence is:
- Zones
- Schedule Deviations
- Overtimes
For example, Holiday Zone and Weekly Overtime are both set to Pay Only this Paycode. Since zones take precedence over overtimes, the Holiday Zone is used.
If there are multiple Zone configurations with the same type, the higher pay is used. If there are multiple Zone configurations with different types, the order of precedence is:
- Holiday
- Day of Week
- Consecutive Day Overtime
- Weekend
- Shift Differential
If there are multiple Overtime configurations with the same reset type, the higher pay is used. If there are multiple Overtime configurations with different reset types, the order of precedence is:
- New Shift
- New Day
- New Week
- New Week at Specified Time
- New Pay Period
- Date Pattern
Note: There is only one Schedule Deviation type, so the order of precedence does not apply.
How is higher pay determined?
When Overtimes or Zones have the same type, the higher pay is determined by evaluating the paycodes selected for the Pay As option. The system evaluates each pay code definition and looks at the value for Multiplier first. If one paycode has a greater value for Multiplier it uses that paycode. If the multipliers are the same, then the system evaluates the values for Add and uses the paycode with the greater value.
Overtime example
When an employee works a shift that qualifies for more than one Overtime Rule, which Overtime Rule is used? The scenario is:
- The Overtime Rules DailyOver8 and DailyOver12 are both configured with the Pay As option Add to Default and the same Reset type (New Day).
- The employee works over 12 hours in a day and qualifies for both overtimes.
Since both Overtime Rules have the same Reset type, the higher pay is used. In this example the multiplier configured for DailyOver8 is 1.5 and for DailyOver12 it is 2. Since the multiplier for DailyOver12 is greater, the employee is paid for the overtime using this paycode.
Zone example
When an employee works a shift where some of the time qualifies for more than one Zone, which Zone is used?
For example, the Evening zone adds $0.75 per hour and the Night zone adds $1.50 per hour. The Zones are configured with the same type (Shift Differential) and the same Pay As option (Add to Default).
The paycodes selected for the Pay As option are both configured with 0 for the multiplier, so the Add values are compared. Since the Night zone Add value is higher than the Evening zone, the employee is paid for that time with the Night zone.