Rest Between Shifts
Use Rest Between Shifts rules to specify premium pay for time worked during an expected rest period.
Use the Rest Between Shifts page (Administration > Application Setup > Pay Policies > Work Rule Building Blocks > Rest Between Shifts) to to set up Rest Between Shifts rules.
Click New or select a rule and click Edit or Duplicate, then complete the following fields:
- Name
- Description
- Required Rest — The amount of rest time required by law or contract between shifts.
- Unscheduled Shifts Count As — Specify whether unscheduled shifts count as work or rest.
- Unscheduled shifts that are specified as work are included in premium pay calculations.
- Unscheduled shifts that are specified as rest are excluded from premium pay calculations.
- Apply Premium To — How the premium applies.
- Amount of Denied Rest — Applies only to the missed reduced rest time.
- Entire Shift — Any amount of missed rest contributes to the premium pay for the entire shift.
- Minimum Rest Premium — The guaranteed minimum amount of rest premium that an employee can receive.
- For example, the required rest is 12 hours, and the minimum rest premium is 2 hours. If the employee has only 11 and a half hours of rest, there is a half hour rest premium. If there is a minimum of 2 hours of rest configured, the employee receives 2 hours rather than one half hour.
- Maximum Rest Premium — The maximum premium if employees do not meet the required rest conditions.
- For example, the required rest is 12 hours, but an employee only receives 2 hours rest, which means that the rest premium should be 10 hours. If the maximum rest premium is 8 hours, the employee receives 8 hours instead of 10 hours.
- Minimum Shift Length — The minimum shift length required for a rest premium, even if the employee did not receive enough rest.
- For example, the minimum shift length is 8 hours and the required rest is 12 hours. The current shift length is 6 hours and the employee has only 10 hours of rest. The employee does not receive a 2 hour rest premium because the shift length is less than 8 hours.
- Continuous Rest Interval — Select Yes if the rest periods must be contiguous.
- Rest Interval Window — The amount of time that the system looks back to check for a qualified rest period. It must be equal to or greater than the required rest. This value is usually the same amount of time as the required rest.
- How to Compute Rest Length — Specify the type of punch to be used for shift start and shift end when computing the rest period.
- Rounded punch — Uses the configured rounding rules for punches.
- Actual punch — Use the actual punch times
- Scheduled punch — Uses the scheduled punch times.