Staffing Level-based Open Shift Validation

Note: This business process is an extension model that is developed outside the normal release schedule to meet specific client needs. To request one of these models, you must submit a Salesforce Service Request to ADP. After the model is delivered to your tenant, you can edit it to meet your needs.

The Staffing Level-based Open Shift Validation business process evaluates staffing requirements to determine the appropriate action to take on open shifts that are generated by an employee's absence request approval.

This extension provides a post-process that, when hooked with time-off requests, compares the number of scheduled employees for a Location and Job against a threshold. When the staffing level falls below the threshold, no action takes place, and the open shift remains. When the staffing level matches or exceeds the threshold, the open shift is deleted.

Two types of thresholds drive the evaluation, but only one is configured during an effective-dated period for the associated Location and Job:

  • Fixed — Used for locations that always have a static number of employees on staff, and where the minimum staffing levels can be defined with a known number.

  • Percentage — Used for locations with a more dynamic number of staff for which minimum staffing levels are defined in percentages based on the Workload Plan. Percentage thresholds are evaluated by reading the planned headcount in the Workload Planner for the location. Ignoring breaks, it then calculates what the headcount represents in hours. The advantage of this threshold is that adjustments are not required when the location size changes.

Spans are an optional control that support a more granular evaluation for the Location and Job. By using spans, different thresholds can be applied for each Location and Job, and span. Alternatively, setting the span to a wildcard (*) allows the same threshold to be applied to all spans associated with the Location and Job.

Reviewer lists determine routing of the notification generated by an open shift deletion.