Right to Rest

Note: This integration is an extension that is developed outside the normal release schedule to meet specific client needs. To request one of these extensions, you must submit a Salesforce Service Request to ADP. After the extension is delivered to your tenant, you can edit it accordingly.

The Right to Rest integration ensures that a premium amount is paid when the employee agrees to work a scheduled shift which violates their right to rest.

In the city of Chicago, the Fair Workweek Ordinance guarantees rights for employees in specific industries, including healthcare, manufacturing, restaurants, and retail.

One right, known as the Right to Rest, gives employees the option to accept or decline shifts that are scheduled to start within a certain period of time which follows the end of the previous day’s scheduled shift. Typically, the minimum span of rest time between scheduled shifts is 10 hours.

Organizations configure the type of Right to Rest premium – money or hours – by way of the Right to Rest Premium Type integration parameter.

When the type is configured as Hours, the integration calculates only the number of hours that are eligible for Right to Rest premium. The hours are then added to the timecard as a paycode edit. Comments and notes provide analysis of the calculation and identify the corresponding shift.

When the type is configured as Money, the integration calculates a premium amount by multiplying the employee’s regular rate of pay with the Right to Rest multiplier, which is normally 1.25.

This integration allows organizations to remain compliant with the Ordinance by paying the right amount of compensation for the infringing shift and capturing the employee’s attestation to the exception.

To achieve full compliance with the Ordinance, organizations can opt to use this integration in conjunction with existing workflows:

  • Schedule Post Acknowledgment

  • Schedule Change Attestation

After one of the workflows captures the employee’s acceptance of the posted or changed schedule, the integration checks for shifts that violate Right to Rest. It then calculates and pays out the appropriate premium amount corresponding to the worked shift.

For organizations that opt for the money-based calculation, the premium amount is calculated as follows:

Regular Hourly Rate of Pay = ((Total Earnings) / (Total Worked Hours))

Right to Rest Premium = (Right to Rest Multiplier) * (Regular Hourly Rate of Pay) * (Number of regular hours worked in the shift)

The Regular Hourly Rate of Pay calculation is based on the integration parameter Regular Rate of Pay Calculation Period, which can be configured as either weekly or biweekly. The scheduled shift evaluation, however, relies on the period selected for the integration run.

  • Regular hourly rate of pay is calculated on a weekly basis.

  • The number of regular hours worked in the shift is calculated using timecard punches; overtime hours are excluded.

The Right to Rest integration can be initiated on-demand or automatically scheduled.