Overtime Exemption

Note: This integration is an extension that is developed outside the normal release schedule to meet specific client needs. To request one of these extensions, you must submit a Salesforce Service Request to ADP. After the extension is delivered to your tenant, you can edit it accordingly.

According to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), Section 7(i) in the United States, employees in retail or service organizations who are paid by commission in whole or in part, do not earn overtime premiums. This integration verifies that all conditions for an overtime exemption are met and determines whether or not to allow the exemption. If the exemption is not allowed, the employee is paid the overtime premium automatically for the previous pay period.

Normally, employees are entitled to be paid an overtime premium of 1.5 times the regular pay rate for all hours that they work over 40 hours in a week. However, employees are not paid the overtime premium when all of the following conditions are met:

  • The employee works in the service industry.
  • More than 50% of the employee's earnings during the reference period come from commissions.
  • The average rate of pay is greater than 1.5 times the legislated minimum hourly wage for every hour worked during the previous pay period when the employee worked overtime hours.
  • The employee worked overtime during the previous pay period.

If employees are excluded from receiving overtime premiums, the integration adds a work rule transfer to their Timecard.