Do you feel safe at work? Yes No Send notification to manager End the workflow End the workflow Start the workflow

Use the preconfigured templates

The following preconfigured Attestation templates are available from the Attestation Models page.

Note: In addition to these preconfigured models, additional models are available as Business Process Extensions. To request one of these models, you must submit a Salesforce Service Request to ADP.

You can use these workflow templates to customize your Attestation workflows.

Note: An Attestation workflow is essentially the same as a Business Process except that it is tagged specifically for Attestation. Earlier versions of the Simple Question Form and Complex Meal form templates are also available on the Business Processes Setuppage.

Simple Question Form


The Simple Question Form and Complex Meal Form templates are available from several pages:

  • The Process Models page includes two copies of each template:
    • Simple_question_form and Simple Question Form v2
    • Complex_meal_form and Complex Meal Form v2
  • The Attestation Models page contains the Simple Question Form v2 and Complex Meal Form v2.

As an example, the following explains how to modify the Simple Question Form template. The overall process is the same for other templates. Note, however, that this is a sample, and working in Workflow Designer requires some level of training and understanding of the tool. For more detailed information, see .

Attestation Paycode

This form is used to prompt the employee to enter a paycode amount based on the employee's answer. It uses variables to simplify configuration. Variables can be defined in the Initialize Variables task in the model.

Complex Meal Form with Paycode

This form is used to enter a paycode edit based on the employee's response to an attestation question.

Fix missing punch

Note: The Function Access Profile of employees who use this workflow must have Employee > Attestation > Allow punch edits from Attestation function set to Allowed.

This form enables employees who cannot edit their timecards to fix missing punches from the Attestation panel. To modify the form, complete the following steps:

Geolocation Consent Form V2

The Geolocation Consent Form V2 presents a form to employees that allows them to consent to having their location tracked by their device. When employees are punching for the first time on their devices, they can be prompted with the consent form. To make changes to the form, follow these steps:

Predictive Scheduling

If you have configured predictive scheduling in the Scheduling component, the system ensures compliance with legislation that requires employers to compensate employees for late scheduling changes. The Predictive Scheduling v2 Attestation model enables you to ensure that employees attest that they worked in such a way as to require predictive pay. The model is configured with a sample question, Did your manager request you to work different hours? and two responses: Yes and No. If the employee selects Yes when punching out, the system applies predictive pay. If the employee selects No, the system does not apply predictive pay.

Note: The Predictive Scheduling model is only supported on out punches.

To edit this model:

  1. From the Main Menu, go to Administration > Application Setup > Attestation > Attestation Models.
  2. Select Predictive Scheduling v2and click Edit . When Workflow Designer opens with the workflow displayed, click Visual Editor.
  3. The model consists of four tasks. You can edit most of these tasks.
  4. Task 1: Initialize Variables
  5. Note: Typically, this is the only task you need to edit.
    1. Select the Initialize Variables task, then, in the detail section at the bottom of the workspace, click Initialize Variables.
    2. In the Change value for "Initialize Variables" glance, two "string" variables are listed. You can select each of these variables and enter the required text in the Value column. Click Save when finished.
    3. Question —This is the question that appears in the Attestation panel.
    4. failedTagNotificationName — This is the name of the workflow notification that is sent to the employee's manager if the employee requires predictive scheduling pay.
  6. Task 2: Edit sample text (Sample: Did your manager request you to work different hours?)
    1. Click the Sample... user task and in the detail section at the bottom of the workspace, click Referenced form. 
    2. In the Form reference - Question Form glance, select the form and click Open.
    3. Select the Sample text and click Edit .
    4. On the General tab, the content for the default label, which was provided by the Initialize Variable task, is listed.
    5. On the Options tab, two options are listed, one for a positive answer and one for a negative answer. To add options, click +Add a new option and enter the applicable information. Click Close.
    6. From the Question Form, click Submit.
  7. Task 3: Set predictive scheduling tag
  8. This task sets the predictive scheduling tag. You should not change this task.
  9. Task 4: Set Tag Failure Notification Name
  10. Select this task and then select AttestationWorkflowAttributes API Input/Output. The following fields are listed:
    • Resource ID — This is set to ${initiator}. Do not change this.
    • API — Select from the drop-down list, for example, Add Comment
    • Input Parameters — The process ID and API selected display here.

    After you edit the model, you can set the button and Scheduled Shift condition to trigger the workflow.

Predictive Scheduling for Manual Time Entry

If you have configured predictive scheduling in the Scheduling component, the system ensures compliance with legislation that requires employers to compensate employees for late scheduling changes. The Predictive Scheduling for Manual Time Entry model enables you to ensure that employees attest when punching out from My Timecard that the resulting shift requires predictive pay. The model is configured with a sample question, Did your manager request you to work different hours? and two responses: Yes and No. If the employee selects Yes when punching out, the system evaluates whether or not the shift is eligible for predictive pay. If the shift is eligible for predictive pay, the system displays the paycode on the timecard and any configured predictive tags on the schedule. If the employee selects No, the system does not evaluate the shift for predictive pay. See Configure Predictive Scheduling for more information.

To edit this model:

  1. From the Main Menu, go to Administration > Application Setup > Attestation > Attestation Models.
  2. Select Predictive Scheduling for Manual Time Entry and click Edit . When Workflow Designer opens with the workflow displayed, click Visual Editor.
  3. The model consists of five tasks. You can edit most of these tasks.
  4. Note: Typically, only the Initialize Variables and the Sample: Did your manager request you to work different hours? tasks require modification.
  5. Task 1: Initialize Variables
  6. The Initialize Variables task initializes variables used during the Attestation and notification processes.
    1. Select the Initialize Variables task, then, in the detail section at the bottom of the workspace, click Initialize Variables.
    2. In the Change value for "Initialize Variables" glance, two "string" variables are listed: question, and failedTagNotificationName. You can select each of these variables and enter the required text in the Value column. Click Save when finished.
    3. Question —This is the question that appears in the Attestation panel.
    4. failedTagNotificationName — This is the value used to configure the Name field in the Attestation workflow notification (Administration > Application Setup > Event/Notification > Workflow Notifications). The notification is sent to the employee's manager if the employee requires predictive scheduling pay. The default name is Attestation_notification, but you can change it as needed. See Create workflow notifications for more information.
  7. Task 2: Validate data
  8. This script task validates the data specified in the punch when it is submitted to the system. Do not edit this task.
  9. Task 3: Sample: Did your manager request you to work different hours?
  10. This user task displays the Attestation question and its answers to the employee when they punch. Note: The value for the Attestation question is specified in the Initialize Variables task.
    1. Click the Sample... user task and in the detail section at the bottom of the workspace, click Referenced form. 
    2. In the Form reference - Question Form glance, select the form and click Open.
    3. Place the pointer over the question/answer field and click Edit .
    4. On the General tab, the Default Label field displays the value specified in the Initialize Variable task, is listed. To use a different value, change the Question field in the Initialize Variables task.
    5. On the Options tab, two options are listed, one for a positive answer and one for a negative answer. To add options, click +Add a new option and enter the applicable information.
    6. Click Close.
    7. From the Question Form, click Save.
  11. Task 4: mark punch to predictive scheduling
  12. This script task marks affirmative Attestations for evaluation to determine whether the shift qualifies for predictive pay. Do not change this task.
  13. Task 5: Error form
  14. This user task contains a string and a variable for errors encountered during execution of the workflow. You should not need to change this task.
  15. After you edit the model, you can set the button and Scheduled Shift condition to trigger the workflow.