Everyone ACPs
These access control points control access to functions available to managers and employees.

If Allowed, employes can modify their home page.

If Allowed, employees can edit and view wage information in People Information. Employees must also have access to the Timekeeper workspace in People Information. To set up wage information, employees must have access to Pay Policies in Setup.
Wage information is also viewable in the timecard Totals add-on.
Settings include the following:
- All — Employees can edit all wage, override wage, and work rule information in People Information.
- All but Self — Employees can edit wage information for everyone but themselves.
- None — Employees cannot edit any wage information.
- All — Employees can view all wage, override wage, and work rule information in People Information.
- Only Self — Employees can view wage information for only themselves.
- None — Employees cannot view any wage information.

When allowed, employees and managers can view data in the Rate column in the timecard Totals add-on. This column shows the result of the Wages divided by the Amount.
Note: For data to appear in the Rate column, the user must also have access to the Wages ACP.

When Allowed, employees can open online forms generated by a Process Manager task or action. The ACPs, View the Inbox and Access to task list, must also be allowed.

When allowed, the ID of the person to be notified when a business process encounters errors is visible in the Inbox and Delegate Profile.
Note: If employees’ social security numbers have been used as person IDs, do not set this ACP to Allowed.

When Allowed, the employee can access the Control Center.

When Allowed, the user can upload his or her photograph through the Edit Profile setting.

When Allowed, accrual balances will appear in the Accrual Reporting Period Summary Report, Dataviews, and the timecard even if the policy is set to hidden in the accrual profile. The default value is Disallowed.

When Allowed, the New Feature pop up displays when you first log in after a major release. The default value is Disallowed.